Sorry, I Lied

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 "Wait, he What?"

 I groaned, explaining to Chihiro what just happened for the second time.

 "He tried to open the door, I pulled him back, he flipped over me, now he's laughing hysterically on the couch." 

 "And you said he hit his head?"


 She was silent for a moment.

 "Are you sure he's not hurt? I mean, there're no real physical signs of a concussion..."

 "I'm sure. I looked, but then again, I'm no doctor."

 She sighed.

 "And you're sure you don't need me home? They'll understand, I'm sure of it..."

  "No. You're busy." 

 "Ishimaru, you don't have to feel guilty. If you need me home, say the word and I'm there." She said, sounding firm and reassuring.

 Again, I felt myself smile. Chihiro had a way of doing that.

 "I know, I just- I think I can handle it." 

 "I know, but if it gets to be too much,"

 "Ok, ok. I'll call you back. I promise."

 "You better! I'll see you tomorrow. Or later tonight. Whichever comes first." 

 And with that, she was gone.

 Only problem was, So was Mondo.

 I frantically searched the "living room", but didn't see him. I was just getting ready to raid the whole building when I heard him laughing. I quickly followed the sound to the bedroom (bedrooms?? Idk it's a dorm and they've got bunk beds, you get the gist.), in which he was pulling at his styled-up hair. 

"Corncob" He said, running his hand over it.

 He laughed again, to which I responded with a sigh.

 I managed to pick him up from the floor, and bring him back to his bed.

 I glanced at the clock.


[insert defeated sigh here]

(EIndjdjndi I'm sorry I had to eat/make d i n n e r -)

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