Are You Sure You're Not A Gaurdian?

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  ((First of all WOOO THREE DAY WEEKEND LET'S GOOOOO!!! Also, this is kind of a time-skip since my uncreative self didn't know what kind of shenanigans to put in between. So by now Ishi has gotten Mondo to put a movie on, and now here they are. 

  It had been quiet for a while. Mondo was actually watching the movie, and we were just sitting there together. I hadn't realized how exhausted I was. It was... Straining to keep watch over someone you cared for when you knew there was a chance they could hurt themselves at any moment. And giving him the medicine had been easier than I thought, which was a good way to end the night. 

  He seemed relatively calm, which was a good sign. 

  We'd both seen the movie before, so I wasn't really paying attention. In fact, I was starting to fall asleep. I didn't think it would be a problem, I mean, the medicine would kick in in a few minutes. Chihiro would have to turn off the TV, but I didn't think she'd care. When she'd see that we were ok, that's all she would need. 

  "Hey, Ishi?" 


  "Y'know, I don't know of many other people, d-who'd watch me fer so long... N'to make sure I didn't hurt myself..." He turned towards me, grinning like a little kid who knew something their older sibling didn't. "Are you sure yer not some sorta guardian?" 

  I couldn't help but grin back. And blush.

  "I believe I would be aware of the fact if it were true. Or at the very least, I would tell you." 

  He smiled a little more, and moved his hand up to touch my cheek. 

  "Mm, Ok, but I still think you've got some sorta reason to be this concerned about me fer so long..." 

  I felt my cheeks get warmer. 

  "O-oh? Like what?" 

  He got closer to me, our foreheads almost touching. 

  "Mm, I dunno. How 'bout this?"

  In one swift movement, Mondo pressed his lips against mine. It was gentle, as if he were afraid to hurt me in some way, but at the same time, it was passionate, like he'd been waiting a long time to do this. I was tempted to push him away, because I thought that he might regret it the next day. But before I could do so, I realized I had already been returning the gesture. I knew I should've told him, or asked to make sure it wasn't just some UI impulse action, but I somehow... knew  that he really meant it. For a moment, we just stayed that way, content in each other's company. Then he pulled back, smiling at me.

  "G'night Ishi." He closed his eyes. "I love you."


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