Support From A Friend and Thoughts for the Future (Epilogue)

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  "What?! Really?! And I missed it?! Aw, man!! Eh, that's ok, I'm just so happy for you guys!! So are you two like, TOGETHER  together? Wait, don't tell me now, I wanna hear you both tell me together when I get home!!" 

  I smiled, somewhat relieved at his support, even if he spoke quickly and there were times where I couldn't understand him at all. By now I had been chatting with Chihiro on the phone for about five minutes, giving Mondo a chance to rest so that his headache might leave him be for a while. 

  "I'm not quite sure he'll be well enough to do that later tonight, but maybe another time..."

  "Oh come on, Ishimaru,if it were only that one time last night that you two kissed, I would dismiss it no problem. But unless you're lying to make yourself look good, which is completely unlike you, it seems as though you two have something bigger going on for sure!"

  I blushed once more, unable to protest that fact.

  "Well, suppose that's true..."

  "Of course it is! you guys confessed, how much more obvious can you get??"

  I paused, considering this. Having no choice, and knowing he was right, I sighed with a chuckle.

  "I don't suppose you can. Perhaps he might be willing to say so when you get home, if he's feeling well enough."

  I heard him chuckle, then sigh happily.

  "Really Ishimaru, I'm super happy for you guys. And I've got both of your backs, ok?" 

  Now it was my turn to smile.

  "Ok Chihiro, I know."


  There was a silence, then he spoke again.

  "Aw, shoot- Look, I gotta go. They're calling us all back in for team Koshi. Ew. Look, I'm talking to both of you when I get home, ok? Bye, Taka!!" 

  "Goodbye, Chihiro." I said, smiling as I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up. I reflected on the events of the day and previous night. Funny, I thought, how the name I had to thank for finally telling him what I'd been holding back (both from him, and myself) for a while was, indeed, Jack Daniel. Also funny, how the human mind will hold back the truth from an individual, if that individual fears that truth. I shuddered, not wanting to go down that thought process any longer than I had too. It was quiet, (Mondo had fallen asleep again,) and it gave a good atmosphere to think.

  I had never even really crushed on anyone before him, let alone a partner, especially not to another male. Could I even pull this off? If I wasn't what he wanted in a partner, would the atmosphere still be light enough to even go on as friends? 

  Oh my, wouldn't that be a nightmare? To live with an ex-lover without even being able to call ourselves friends again...

  Another shake for the same reason.

   I do that a lot, don't I? 

  I chuckled again, apparently amused at my own quirks. Some time passed where I both thought too much and not at all.

  Then there was gagging.
  Once again running back to the area, I first ensured that, other than the bile, he was alright. Once I knew he was, I went after a warm washcloth and another bag.

  "Ugh, God... thank you, Ishi." He mumbled, accepting the washcloth and wiping his mouth when he was sure he'd finished.

  "Of course. Sorry to see it disrupted your sleep."

  "Nah, 's ok. Kinda to be expected." He said with a shrug, laying back down as he set the rag on the floor next to him.

  "Still, I'd think it to be inconvenient."

  "I didn't say it wasn't. " He said, running a hand through the little bit of hair that was left out of the infamous "corncob" style, then finished his apparently incomplete statement with: "At least I'm in some pretty dxxn good hands, aren't I?"

  I smiled, my face getting just a little bit warmer.

  "I'd say so. Now try to go back to sleep, ok?"
  He smiled back, looking tired but genuinely happy considering his current state. He adjusted his position so that he was looking at me, then closed his eyes and began to drift away again.

  The heat on my face increasing, I leaned down and pecked him on the cheek. As I walked back to the living area, only one thought remained:

  How far can we really go?


My gosh, I really really hope y'all enjoyed this story, I had SO MUCH FUN WRITING!!  \(^_^)/
I hope you loved every minute of this rollercoaster, because I certainly did!! And if you loved my fluff, I'm pretty dxxn sure you'll adore my angst!!
Anyway, thank you for all your support, patience, and love, and I hope I'll catch you all in my next work, (title drop, you ready?):

The Puppeteer: A Controlled!Deku AU

The AU is an original idea by me, (to my knowledge, anyway,) and I'm so excited to share it with you all!!

Welp, for NOW, that's all for me. Be in the lookout for Puppeteer, and I'll catch y'all in the next one!!

Love you always,
                                  -Myrah~ 💟


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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