Insomniac By Insecurities

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  It had been about thirty minutes since Chihiro left. I hadn't wanted to sleep until I was sure she'd returned to her room safely. I have to admit, it must've looked pretty sad if anyone had seen me. There I was, 4:35 AM, sitting on the couch in silence with my phone in my hand, straining to listen to the melodic sound of slow breathing from a room not even twenty steps away from me. 

  Nonetheless, there I sat.  

  As tired and nervous as I was, I still waited for the buzz that would let me sleep for the night. As I sat there, I remembered all that Chihiro had said to me.

  "Don't you always tell me not to let fear get in my way?" The words echoed in my head. Not to let fear get in my way. It was something I'd told her since she revealed the truth about her identity. I remembered so well, telling her those words in attempts to soothe her at that time, and yet here I was, trying way too hard to figure out how I was going to do that vey same thing. 

  I had become so absorbed in my own thoughts that by the time my phone did go off, I jumped and ended up throwing it against the wall. I quickly realized what it was, and crossed the room to retrieve the small device. I unlocked the phone to be greeted by one text:

CHIHIRO FUJISAKI: I've been back for ten minutes. You should cover your camera when you aren't using it. Go get some rest. Please? 

  I sighed, looking right into the camera. 

  "You should, too. Goodnight, Chihiro." I said, then got up from the couch and plugged my phone in for the night. I knew the turbulence in my mind would keep me up a bit longer, but I also knew that, as it always does, it would eventually subside. Chihiro was right, anyway; I needed sleep.

  After I had prepared myself, I finally slipped into bed at around 4:42. In all honesty, I wasn't quite sure what the point of trying to fall asleep was anymore, as I'd have to wake again in four hours anyway. Oh, well... four hours of sleep is better than none... I thought to myself, staring up at the ceiling, and I suppose I could rest for a while longer before my afternoon classes begin...

  For a while I just lay there, trying to figure out how tomorrow would play out. But as time wore on, my thoughts dwindled and Mondo's rhythmic breathing began to lull me to sleep...

((Hey y'all, it's Myrah!! Don't know why I said that, considering this is my story, but I've been doing some posting for my accountlord since she's currently unable to do so, and I guess I've gotten used to it. Oh gosh, now I'm ranting. Anyway, I know in comparison to my last chapter, this one's really short, but I thought it was sweet so I'm posting it. Sorry that this update is coming so late, but I should've done this earlier and now I'm paying the price. :) And I also just noticed that this story now has 852 reads, and I just,,,,, my gosh I don't deserve this. You guys are awesome. I love you all sm!! Anyways homies, I have the next chapter in the original text and I plan to get it up sometime early next month. Bc that's in like, a week. If not then, definitely later this week!! Keep being you, 'cuz you're all amazing human beings, take care of yourselves, and I'll be back with more QAO soon, Ok?? Love you all!! ✨❤️✨

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