Tylenol And Poor Life Choices

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                       ⚠️Hey btw this chapter is kinda gross. Vomit is included.⚠️

  After my third class, I was free to head back to the dorm and check on Mondo once again, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I hadn't dealt with hungover friends before, and I'll admit I was just about totally clueless as to how to help him now. 

  Oh, well... I thought, bringing the key up and into the lock, suppose I'll improvise until I figure it out. 

  That was, I thought I'd just improvise, until I heard  gagging, (and a whole lot of profanity,) and my instincts immediately kicked in. 

  I raced to the small bathroom inside our makeshift college home to find Mondo on his knees in front of the toilet, throwing up and cursing practically between every breath. 

  My already-worried demeanor only worsened as I dropped to my knees next to him, gently placing a hand on his back and trying to ease him. 

  "Ok, take it easy... you're alright, you're alright..."

  We remained that way for a while, him tiredly vomiting and me trying to reassure him as calmly as I could. Eventually he stopped, wiped his mouth with a trembling hand, (to which I frowned, but refrained from chastising him for,) and looked at me with a puzzled expression.

  "Ishi... what the fxxk are you doing back so soon?" He asked, turning away from the toilet to face me.

  I frowned slightly, but responded at gently as I could. 

  "Mondo... it's twelve thirty. My classes are over. I came back up here as soon as I could to check on you, and now I'm really glad I did..." I said, my voice trailing off as I looked him over. He clearly slept poorly, judging from the circles under his eyes, and his entire body seemed to be shaking, though I wasn't quite sure why. I continued to think of his apparent condition as I grabbed a tissue and wiped a spot he'd missed.

  However, he brought me out of my thoughts quickly.

  "Holy sxxt, it's noon??" He said, hurriedly trying to stand up but immediately stumbling and falling back down. 

  "Mondo, be careful!" I said, my voice and concern for him raising accordingly, to which he protested by putting a hand to his forehead and groaning. 

  "Ok, I'm sorry, just... please, can you try to keep your voice level? I have the worst fxxxxxg headache, man..." 

  I softened, apologetic for causing pain, then softly offered to take him back to his bed, to which he gratefully accepted. Once he had laid back down, I placed the trash can by the head of the bed, (just in case,) and began with my interrogation. 

  "So... what other symptoms do you have?" I asked gently, trying not to let his headache give him any more trouble.

  "They aren't exactly 'symptoms', Ishi, it's more... side effects. But, to answer the question... there's the headache, vomiting; I'm dizzy, weak, and... oh, yeah, this." He said, weakly holding up a trembling hand. "It won't stop... n' it's pissin' me off..." he said, trying to still one shaking hand with another and being obviously upset when it didn't work. 

  "Just... try and stay calm, ok? I know this is upsetting, but try not to let it bother you too much, alright?" I said, carefully putting his hands down and looking him in the eye, which seemed to do the trick, as he sighed and regarded me with a content expression. 

  "Ok, but I don't think I can promise anything, kyōdai." He said quietly, seeming upset. Oh dear, you could really tell he wasn't feeling alright...

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