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Second Chance

Michael POV

I stumbled out of bed and picked up my hoodie. Where's the flag patch? It probably fell off, I'll find it later. I pulled the red hoodie over my head.

I looked into Rich's room. Why is there a red streak in Rich's hair? That doesn't make any sense.

I walked downstairs and saw my breakfast on the table. There was a note next to it. Just like last year....

I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. My patch must've fallen off. Rich probably changed his mind. My moms probably just had to leave.

Sorry! I just had to go to work early. I hope Junior year is better than sophomore year.

What? What? What? Wait...I checked my phone. It's...last year.

I smiled. My wish came true. None of that has to happen. I've been trying to get those memories out of my head, I'm trying to forget everything. But I won't let Rich near Jeremy.

If Jeremy gets his hands on a SQUIP, it'll happen again. I'll make sure I don't spill anything.

I crashed out the door. How did Jeremy get to school? I remember...he was late. I raced through the alleys and across the street. I knocked on Jeremy's door.

"C'mon, go, go!" I muttered. He answered sleepily and I saw panic melt over his face as he realized he was late.

"Shit! Just a minute!" Jeremy rushed in and I just thought about the beginning of last year. I'll make this year better for Jeremy. I really don't care about how they treat me if I still have him.

We ran across the street and dashed down the sidewalk. We got there a few minutes before the bell and panted heavily. I got my schedule from my backpack. Jeremy did the same.

"I wish we were in the same classes. Oh wait, it's high school. We can change that." I suggested. Jeremy chuckled as we stood to get our home rooms. If I change this, then there'll be a chain reaction and everyone will be safe.

"I remember those grades." He sighed. "I had no friends in my classes." He smiled. "But we can change that."

And of course, you can't just get through a hallway when you're Michael Mell. "Loser!" Some dude who I most likely forgot about yelled. I chuckled. Pathetic.

I've heard these insults. I know what's gonna happen before they make it happen.

"You still have the option to change classes. But tomorrow they are set in stone." The teacher explained when I walked in the classroom. I set my stuff down. I can change them soon.

I put my headphones over my ears and wore them the rest of the day.

<Skip To Lunch>

I looked around for Jeremy. "Michael!" I turned around and saw him waving from an empty table.

I casually walked over and took my headphones off. I sat down and we just talked and took in the day.

Finding hints for him is probably like finding a needle in a haystack. I'm dropping flirts left and right, can he catch a single one? No.

I don't really care. He may feel the love platonically, but I'm throwing romance at him that he doesn't realize he's getting hit with.

He can be a clueless moron sometimes, y'know?

Jeremy POV

Michael can be a clueless moron sometimes, y'know?

"I mean, you shoulda seen the actor for him-he was almost as hot as you!" Michael laughed. Is my face that red?

"But did you see that some freshman got right behind us on the leaderboard for AOTD?" I asked.

"I know, right? Can't let 'em beat us, though!" Michael laughed.

"Oh please, like anyone could even get close to your score! Your the best at like...everything!" I flirted.

"No way!" Michael dismissed. But like, what a clueless moro-

"You gonna kiss or something?!" My thought was interrupted by Rich .

"When are you and Jake finally gonna get together?" Michael shouted back. Rich blushed and turned away. Jake, too, was hardcore blushing.

He's really bad at comebacks on the spot. He always gets the idea a little too late. He probably knew Rich would say something like that and planned ahead.

Of course the bully, not the person it was directed at, understood.


The end of school day

Michael and I changed our schedules so we'd have more than one class together.

We burst out the school doors and turned away as the flood of students came crashing through.

Once it was reduced to only a few left, we walked towards my house. Time to play Apocalypse Of The Damned or, as Michael calls it, AOTD.

I was gonna keep writing but that's enough words. Another chapter on the way.

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