I love you. No I hate you. But I love you. No I hate you...

3rd person POV (1 week later)

Michael was laying upside down on the couch, and Cassia next to him.

"I don't know why I ever liked him! It's just so frustrating! Do I love him or do I hate him? Gah it's so confusing!" Michael ranted.

"Love is confusing." Cassia agreed, nodding.

"I want to hate him, I really do! But then I look at his adorable face and it's like-gahhh!" Michael complained.

"Yup..." Cassia agreed.

"But I feel like it's my fault for not letting him finish! I just ran off like a coward! Then I cried for five hours! Then I just texted him that I hated him!  Why the hell did I say that? And three days off school!"


"I don't even know if I'm pissed off or sad! And if I'm pissed off, then at who? Myself or Jeremy? And then he banged on my door for three hours? What if he was trying to apologize and I stopped him? I ruined everything! What the fuck did he even mean by 'I couldn't date you'? Jeremy is completely capable of doing whatever the fuck he wants!"

"It's not all your fault, Michael!" Cassia interrupted. "It's both of your faults," She explained, "Jeremy should've been more clear of what he meant. But yes, you completely overreacted."

"Whatever!" Michael sniffled. "He was such a clueless moron anyway. He wasn't even that cute...and he...uh...he cares so much about what others say when it doesn't matter! I hate him!"

-_- ~_~ *-*

Jeremy was laying backwards on his bed, throwing a tennis ball at his wall while ranting to his internet friend.

"And I just feel like I've ruined everything...because I like him, too! I don't just like him, I love him! But I panicked and said I couldn't and ruined everything! He was my only friend at this hell hole. And then the day he gets back he makes friends with the new girl..." Jeremy ranted.

"That sounds....not good." His Internet friend on the phone mumbled.

"I know! He's so overdramatic! I was trying to say I was sorry and to let me explain! I hate him! But I love him....no I hate him!"

"Yeah. Seems like he overreacted." He decided. "Have you tried texting him?"

"That adorable, salty asshole blocked my phone number, my Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, even Reddit and Amino!" He explained.

"Damn. I'll try and talk to him." He suggested.

"Yes! Thank you! Tell him I'm sorry and that I can explain or just-never mind! He won't care, that's kind of his thing. He doesn't care about anything! He's like a fluffy emo."

-Cut to Michael-

"I care so much! Because only he mattered to me for the longest time!"

-Hard to explain, but imagine a movie where it has it so you can see two characters who are in separate locations?-

"I hate him. Because he hates me." They said in sync. Their friends said the exact same thing, too.

"He doesn't hate you." They both said.

"He does."

-no longer that movie format thing-

I can't believe I messed up the timeline this bad. I'll just make myself hate him, then.

He's....I can't even think of something wrong with him. Think, Michael!

He cares too much about what other people think.

He's such a stereotypical teenage boy. Ok, yeah that's not true.

He doesn't appreciate anyone else! Cassia said that when her girlfriend feel asleep on her, all she could do was appreciate the girl on her. I show Jeremy how much I love him everyday. Whether I bring him lunch, or compliment him on every single detail he won't care.

Am I not clear enough? That can't be it! I gave him a cupcake with a heart on top of it on Valentines Day, nobody's that clueless!

I hate myself for it, but I still fantasize about him. I dream of him each night. Whether it's the heart breaking reminders of the first junior year, imaging him loving me, beating the shit out him for breaking my heart...even if he's not the main point, he's always there.

He'll always be there.

And I can't stop him.

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