
3rd person POV

Michael Mell left the school before Jeremy Heere could join him. He didn't care if his brother would be upset. Jake gave Jeremy a panic attack and Michael didn't think he could ever regret what he was about to do.

Michael rolled up his sleeves and pressed his glasses to his face. Jake hurt his best friend. They humiliated them both. If it were only Michael, he wouldn't care.

If it were verbally, he wouldn't care. But he hurt his best, and only friend.

And know he'll hurt Jake.

Jake was talking as usual. Michael punched him in the stomach. Hard. Enough to make Jake fall over.

"My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake grumbled, standing up. "It was just a joke!"

"It wasn't very funny to humiliate someone like that!" Michael yelled. Jake punched Michael in the jaw.

Michael smacked him across the face. Jake kicked him in the shin.

"What are you doing?!" Jake yelled.

Michael grabbed the collar of his shirt. "You hurt him! You can hurt me! You can call me names! You can steal my stuff! You can bully me! I don't care! But the moment you lay a finger on that angel, I will tear you limb from limb you pieced shit! Y'hear?"

"What is wrong with you?" Jake screamed.

"What's wrong with you? You think you're soo perfect! You're not! You're awful! You're worthless! People get seriously hurt by the stuff you do and you don't even care! You gave Jeremy a panic attack! You are the worst, most selfish piece of worthless shit human I've ever met!" Michael yelled back.

"How was I s'posed to know?" Jake defended.

"Are you blind? You don't realize that what you do is wrong? You can have opinions! You can hate people! But when you express that, it hurts them!" He shouted. "You're the nothing, Jake!"

Michael dropped Jake onto the ground and walked away. Jake stood up and ran at Michael.

Jake slammed his fist into his enemy's stomach. Michael responded by shoving him backwards onto the sidewalk.

"You need to learn that what you do and say matters!" Michael pointed out.

Jake laid panting on the sidewalk. He must've learned by now.

"Worthless piece of shit." The boy muttered as he walked off.

Michael hated hurting people. He didn't like calling people worthless. But something took over. Anger controlled his body in those minutes.

The hard truth. A hard punch.

Michael wiped the blood from his lip and limped home. Rich would be mad, he didn't care.

Michael's fists throbbed with pain. His throat was scratched from screaming. He clutched onto his stomach. Michael plopped face first into his bed.

Michael Mell was strong, but was usually just fluffy. He could hurt people like he did Jake, but he didn't. He could. He could do that easily. He can. But he doesn't.

He despised people who acted like that just because they can. Michael had a reason.

Jake hurt his best friend. Someone who meant even more to him.

Jake hurt so many people. Jeremy's situation wasn't his fault entirely. But the panic from the questions and the dares hurt him.

But Jake would hurt people on purpose regularly. Just a shove, just a tease, just a prank, it all can hurt.

That's the hard truth.

People hurt themselves over things other people say. In fact, just the feeling that they're hated is enough.

And when a strong person, like Michael Mell, had enough of everything, he could destroy him.

Michael didn't care about what Jake said.

Not Jake, not Jenna Rollin, not Chloe, not Madison, not a single person but his best friend.

Jeremy's pain showed Michael he needed teach Jake a lesson.

What Michael did wasn't the right response. But that's another thing.

Telling a teacher or parent about a bully is very uncomfortable. It can make people feel weak for needing help. Even when they do.

So everyone needs to learn that what they say to other people matters.

But everyone also has to learn that what other people say doesn't matter.


Sorry that was short.

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