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Btw, sometimes the parts split into chapters, I didn't think chapter 3 would be long enough, so yeah.

Michael POV

I waved goodbye to Jeremy and started walking home.

I know not everything will be the same. I played with the timeline, the things that change are going to get wider and wider.

I walked home, thinking. Staring at the sidewalk in front of me. My headphones on my ears, my backpack slumped over my shoulders, and glasses semi-fogged.

The night's chill crept through the empty space in my hoodie. I stepped onto my porch, the wood creaking. I wonder what my brother's reaction to that come-back will be.

I opened the door to my house. The hinges creaked and I wiped off my feat. The sun finished setting in the distant horizon.

Each step squeaked as I walked up the stairs. I turned to my room. What the- my room smells like shit. Who-ugh. This was his reaction.

I grabbed a pillow and blanket from my closet, and walked to the living room. Damn it. I thought. Somebody was already half-asleep.

I walked into Rich's room. I opened his door and threw my pillow on his dark brown couch. He sat up and smirked.

"What did you do to my room?" I asked, annoyed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He answered. I stared at him.

"You know I can just tell everybody we're brothers and imagine the comments." I smirked. His face went red.

"If you tell anyone that, I will end you more severely than you ever could to me." He threatened. "After all, Jeremy would hate to hear about this book I found."

"Don't you fucking dare!" I almost yelled. I knew exactly what book he was talking about. "If you show anyone that I will tear you limb from limb." I growled.

Okay, yeah. That's a little extreme, but if he shows anybody, especially Jeremy, that book, I will kill him.

"Then don't tell anyone we're related. I read a lot of this. Y'know, my favorite page is probably the one from December, freshmen year..." he began. Well, fuck. He pulled out a dark blue book from under his pillow. "I think I may have a-"

I snatched the book from him and stuffed it in my pocket. "Nobody hears about this, got it?"

"Whatever. So long as you never let a certain secret slip." He negotiated. Jeez, he'd do anything to keep it from spilling. Not the fact we're brothers, but, there's another secret I know.

"Fine, you little troll demon." I snapped, and sat on the couch.

"Seriously though, Jeremy has a thing for you." Rich told me.

"No, he doesn't, and he's hella oblivious anyway." I dismissed.

"Bro. You're oblivious, too." He pointed out. "He literally said you were the best at everything."

"That doesn't mean anything." I reminded him. He gave me a 'boi you stupid' look.

"I'm Michael and I'm completely oblivious to everything!" He mocked in a high voice. "Jeremy's so into me but I'm too oblivious to know that he's flirting!" He mocked.

"Shut up!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him. He tossed it back and hit me in the face.

"Fine, okay!" He said, turning off the lights. After a few minutes of silence, he said in that mocking high voice: "Oh Jeremy!"

"Shut the fuck up or I'll tear your limbs from your tiny body and bury them in the backyard!" I growled.

"Jesus Christ." He muttered.


Michael POV

That robotic glint in his eye shone brightly. It was the Halloween party. I was in front of Jeremy.

"Get out of my sight, loser!" He growled. He glitched as he stared at me. I could feel my heart shatter.

Everything around caught flame. He faded away, leaving me crying on the floor helplessly.

I woke up in a pool of sweat, shivering. I can't let last year happen. No, I can't!

Rich's dream/3rd person POV


"You talk like a child, Rich. Why can't you speak like a normal person?"


"What's with you? You're so annoying all the time! Chill out."


"Don't talk to me, you short little gremlin."


"Everything about you makes me want to die."


"Stop embarrassing me, Rich. These people think I'm cool. Don't ruin this for me."


Christine POV

The crowd cheered. Flowers slid across the stage as I bowed. This is definitely the interest I want to Pursue.

I held hands with my cast mates and bowed and the audience erupted into chaos and screams of delight.

Through the night, I've made the crowd happy, sad, angry, sympathetic, like musicals should.

Jake POV

I raced through the school at top speed. I'm the fastest person ever! Haha!

I phased through the window and ran across the lower roof. I climbed up to the top and sat and stared at the field.

"Hey." A deep voice greeted from behind me.

"Hi." I turned around to see no other than Rich. He's in all my dreams.

"Nice to see you." He said, sitting next to me. He smiled at me and I blushed.

"Same to you." I muttered, looking down, with a romanced smile on my face.

He put his hand on my chin and turned it toward him. Our lips met in complete bliss. Just the two of us in our world.

Erm. Th-That was weird. I don't dream that every night! Sh-Shut up!

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