
Michael POV

I can't believe I just did that. Why did I do that? I walked downstairs to see Rich glaring at me. My mom looked kind of upset.

"Look, Rich, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I just knew how badly he hurt Jeremy and..." I tried to explain myself.

"I get it. He's fine now." Rich dismissed. "He's been in way worse fights. But I think the rest of the school will leave you and Jeremy alone."

"I don't care about me." I shrugged. Rich and Mom looked kind of confused. "High school is going to be over eventually. Plus, none of the popular kids are going to be cool in the future."

"Where'd you learn to do that, anyway?" Rich asked.

"I've always been able to. I honestly hate people who do that just because they can." I shrugged.

-A while later-

"Here, I bought you a soda," I gave
Rich the styrofoam cup. He took a sip and I smiled as the pattern in his eye faded.

"Uh. What ith-is this!?" Rich spat.

"Mountain Dew Red." I answered. I've done it. The SQUIP is gone. Rich's eyes widened.

"You knew, didn't you?" Rich grumbled. I nodded. "How did you figure that out?"

"Well you get that like, computer pattern in your eye." I shrugged. I'm not gonna tell him I went back in fucking time.

"Uh...okay?" Rich shrugged, not wanting to ask further.

"You can remember what it said to do, right?" I clarified.


"That means I didn't ruin everything for you. I'm going to Jeremy's to play video games." I stated as I walked out.

Jeremy POV(A while later)

What do you do when you wake up and the most precious human to bless this earth is in your lap?

I feel so happy. I feel so safe...

I'm just laying in my bed Michael in my  lap, clutching my chest. Last night we both bet we could stay up all night without coffee...we must've passed out.

I really can't do anything but go back to sleep. I can only appreciate the adorable boy in my lap.

I can still see a few scratches from him fighting Jake. He hurt someone for me.

I drifted back into sleep watching Michael's chest rise and fall rhythmically.

Michael Mell is the most amazing person to bless this world.

I'd do anything for him.

I need him.

I-I think

I love him.

Michael POV

I woke up not so suddenly. Jeremy was running his fingers through my hair.

I feel happy. I feel safe.

I looked up at him with a loving gaze, which he returned. Oh god I'm the clueless moron.

I sat up. Now's my chance. "I-I think I like you..." I admitted.

"," That's not a good sign..."I couldn't date y-" I don't want to hear the rest.

My heart shattered. I jumped off his bed and booked it. I raced through the street, tears streaming down my face. What does he even even mean?

I leaped up the stairs in a few bounds. I slammed my door and shoved my face into the pillow.

This is my fault.

I should've let time pass. But I just had to tell him! I'm not fucking going to school tomorrow.

My phone was blowing up with texts from Jeremy. I blocked his number. I blocked his Instagram. I cut him off.

Gah. I hate him. I love him. He hates me. He loves me. It's so confusing.

I heard a knock on the door. I heaved myself up and stumbled down the stairs. It was Jeremy.

"Get the fuck out off my property." I growled. I slammed the door shut before he could say anything. He continued to knock on the door.

I sat on the couch with my face shoved into my pillow. He knocked for hours. Trying to talk to me. But I already know what he's going to say. He's gonna say we can still be friends, which we won't. He'll say it doesn't have to be awkward, but it will.

I've been through breakups before, either witnessing one or being part of one.

Once he left I walked back upstairs and collapsed into my bed. After crying for 2 hours I picked up my phone.

Maybe I overreacted. I unblocked Jeremy. But I'm still upset. It's like I'm mad but I'm also sad.

Michael: I hate you

3rd person POV

(Michael skipped 3 days at school) (Rich found out about the situation and humiliated Jeremy as much as he could)

Michael walked back into the class with bags under his eyes and an empty stomach that hadn't been filled for days.

A new girl walked into the class and sat next to Michael. She pulled a sketchbook out of her bag started sketching.

Jeremy sat in the seat two seats in front of Michael.

"Damn I hate him." Michael grumbled. He was so confused. Did he hate him or love him? He couldn't tell.

"Why?" The new girl asked. "I heard you were best friends?"

"Not anymore. He's such a fucking loser." He grumbled. His heart was shattered and his chest felt tight. He wore his black hoodie, which was way too big for him.

"Oh. Well, I'm Cassia." She took out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm Michael." Michael shook her hand dully. He was too depressed to be nice.

He subconsciously glanced at her notebook as she sketched. It was gay. One looked exactly like her. She let out a sigh as she finished the other girl's face.

"I miss my girlfriend..." she whispered quietly. Her hair was blonde with pink at the tips. The other girl had chestnut brown hair.

"I've got an open spot for a friend. Do you want it?" Michael asked, not having enough strength to care about embarrassment.

"Uh sure?" Cassia shrugged. "What's your first class?"

The day went on and they talked about gay shit and art.


Today a teacher got mad at me for not sitting on a chair correctly? I'm gay what do you want from me?

Angst and lesbians should actually be what this is called tbh.

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