Boyf riends

3rd person

Michael, Jeremy, and Cassia strolled up to school with their drinks. Red and blue slushies and a Big Gulp.

Jeremy was the tallest, but was slouched over most of the time so you could barely tell. Michael was a little shorter than Jeremy but was more broad shouldered and masculine, making him look bigger. Cassia was short but surprisingly masculine.

Banners and signs for the upcoming prom were everywhere. Michael had something big planned.

Michael purposefully slowed down and the other two didn't notice. Jeremy took his seat in the quiet room.

It was time. Michael took a deep breath.

"Ohhh my heart." Michael sang as he stepped in. "You knock me out, I fall apart! You're the one, I have no doubt. I've known you since we were like five. When you cry it cuts me like a knife..."

Everybody looked at one another. This was clearly a promposal, but for who?

"Jeremy~, you're my everything! What did you do to me? When you smile I really can not breath! Jeremy, Jeremy, your love is the only thing that I need. Will you go to prom with me?"

"Yes!" Jeremy kissed Michael right there, completely ignoring the entire class.

They heard the teacher's foot steps from the hall. So they pulled away and sat down in the seats next to each other.

By lunch, Jeremy was wearing Michael's hoodie. Michael just had his t-shirt with a picture of a bunch of dogs on it. ((Because no one wears hoodie without t-shirts under it..*sweats nervously*.. Haha))

People mostly just said to Michael "I didn't know you had arms!" Because he always wore that hoodie. Which the sleeves of, for the most part, fall over his hands.

This fucking homophobic Christian diff decided to talk shit and Michael shut that down with his infinite knowledge.

"You can't be gay, it's against the Bible!" His voice was, well, imagine the most stuck-up, snotty voice you can. Now multiply that by 300 and that's how his voice sounds.

"No it's not." Michael answered dully.

"Yeah-huh! Man can not sleep with man! Check it!"

"That's wrong in two ways. For one thing, that was mistranslated from Greek's 'man may not sleep with boy', as in pedophilia. And another, Peter 4:8, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers all multitudes of sin". Now, I don't know what your definition of love is, but that's what this is. Though, I'm sure you wouldn't know, as no one loves you."


"Well-I... That's not-but-" he stuttered.

"Don't hurt yourself."

The kid left them alone and they went back to their conversation.

"Burning question: did Specs ever find his shoe?"

"I don't know! Then he'd probably be the one wanting a pair of new shoes with matching laces."

Michael laughed and put in his ear buds. He was humming along so clearly he was almost saying the words.

"Do you know how great my life is, saving lives and loving you?" He sang along.

"Do you know all I want is you?" Jeremy added. Then said in his own voice. "That's true."

At Michael's house

"You know, I don't believe in love at first sight."


"There 'like' at first sight, but not love."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Love takes time. Like turns into love. Love grows from there. Most love never gets smaller."

"That's deep, Michael."

"Do you really like me?"


"Do you actually like me for real?"

"Yes, of course...Why?"

"I don't know. I guess I just can't beleive that someone like you would ever like me. Since way back in fourth grade I've been telling myself you didn't. And I think rejection is better than pity."

"I love you. Love takes time and I've liked you since 7th grade, there's been time for me to live you."

"I love you too."

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