Chapter 18: Recovery

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(This chapter contains quite a few true facts about me in the beginning. Considering, Hey Morgan is me! Hello! :) )

Morgan's Pov 

~A few hours later~

I slowly opened my eyes letting them adjust to the bright light of the hospital room. I looked over and saw that Josh, was passed out with his head on the bed and I smiled gently watching him sleep. Not in a creepy way I swear. 

I gently ran my fingers through his hair and he sighed a bit in his sleep shifting around a bit as if trying to get comfortable. I moved my hand back and I looked around a bit and at myself seeing the extent of the damage. It wasn't too bad. There were a few pieces of gauze wrapped around my arms and legs. 

He slept gently while I was on the bed and I gently curled up in a ball beside him so my head was around his head and I gently cupped his face running my thumb over his cheek gently. He sighed gently and I fell back asleep next to him. 


I woke up back in my normal position and Josh wasn't there. I made him uncomfortable. Way-to-go me. I did it. I succeeded in making my crush uncomfortable. Well, it wouldn't be a first. like when in fifth grade I had a crush on a guy named Wilson. I told him I was stalking him during recess, and at first, I was joking but then I actually started stalking him. And then soon after him a guy named Falcon. He was kinda scary. He made a lego ship, and I had pretended to make it but I didn't and then I dropped it and pretended that it was the plane and he screamed at me. I didn't handle it well and hid on the couch. 

Or with Josh. My friend tried to push me into him in 8th grade but I managed to duck and run to the opposite side of the school to get my Viola and when I left she yelled out, 'You dickhead take a hint! Morgan likes you!' in the middle of the entire 8th-grade hallway. Or when I found Leonard Snart over summer vacation. Damm that man is sexy. Wink Wink. Anyways I'm getting very off topic if you haven't noticed. My point is, this wasn't the first time I have embarrassed a crush. 

As I was sitting there staring at the ceiling because someone decided not to give me a remote to turn on the TV, Josh walked in with food trays. I looked at him shocked and he looked at me. 

"Morning." He said gently and he gently set down the tray of waffles with maple syrup and some strawberries on the side. I also had some skim milk but I wouldn't touch that. I lost my trust with those suckers when they kept expiring before their expiration date. I gently took a bite of my waffles and I sighed, this having been my first meal in quite a long time. Josh watched me carefully and I paused while eating very self-conscious of how I ate. I looked at him. 

"Stop staring at me, please. It's making me uncomfortable." I said not making eye contact and he looked away and I gently took another bite eating slowly worried he might hear my chewing even with my mouth closed. 

~Time skip 1 week~

I walked out of the hospital with Josh and his hands were in his pockets as we did so. I wasn't fully healed. The gauze was still wrapped around my arms because the stitches were going to take a while to heal. As we walked to get to a road so that way we could get a van back, Josh kept sneaking looks at me, checking me. 

"What are you looking at? Do I look weird?" I said looking at myself and he shook his head looking away. 

"Come on. We have to go find the van. I've already been gone for too long." He said grabbing my wrist bringing me with and I winced a bit. 

"Josh. Ow. Stitches are right there." I said and he didn't let go. I kicked his ankle purposely and he glared at me and he let go. "That's what you get for grabbing my stitches." He just scoffed and walked off faster than me making me have to speed walk to catch up. 

We saw the van and we got into it warily. Josh sat beside me and I looked at him.

"How mad are they going...' I started but he interrupted me. 

"Considerably." He said and the Van began moving. The driver kept looking at us and I glared the 7th time he did.

"Agatha isn't really happy with you both." He said and I crossed my arms.

"Yeah. No shit. We were gone for a while. But I have an excuse." I said. Josh and the driver scoffed at the same time. Josh turned to look at me. 

"She doesn't accept excuses. No matter what." Josh gave me a slight glare. I gulped a bit. Why I decided to join a criminal group in the first place was beyond me. Actually, it was to save Shelby which would've been worth it if she wasn't still mad at me.  


We got back to base pretty fast actually. The barn wasn't too far away from the hospital. Probably for obvious reasons. I mean we were a criminal group. 

As we walked inside I got a bunch of glares and confused glances and Josh kept me behind him slightly as we walked up to the stairs and we saw Agatha on her chair. Which I liked to call a throne. That's what it reminds me of. She sent a death glare my way and Josh stayed close to me. 

"What happened at the mission?" She said glaring at me. 

"The plan didn't..."Josh had started but Agatha sent him a death glare and he shut up fast. It wasn't like him to tense up actually scared. I didn't like it. not one bit. Agatha came over and she grabbed Josh throwing him to the ground. Before Josh could smack into it he managed to switch positions in mid-air to do a roll on the floor and land safely on his knees. He twisted around to look at me with worry evident in his face.

"What. Happened. At. The. Mission?" Agatha asked me not even a foot away. Talk about personal space. I was just glad she brushed her teeth. 

"Nobody was in the general area I was stationed at. I went there and followed everything and then when I got to the area there was nobody there. It was silent." I said. I was met with a punch straight to my head knocking me back and when Josh tried to run forward the guards grabbed him holding him back and he let out a growl of warning to them.

"You were in the wrong area then! This mission failed because of you!" Agatha screamed. I looked at her scared and beginning to shake a bit but I held my stance. Strong and proud. Minus the proud part. I felt like an ant right now. Like scum of the earth. I looked at her, using every single part of my body to hide my fear.

"If I was in the wrong place then Josh would've been too. He had sights on me the whole time. My sister did as well. She came at the exact time and took the exact path we gave her. I was not in the wrong spot." I said and Agatha grabbed me slamming me against the wall and Josh struggled harder and the guards slammed him down into the ground. He let out a small sound of pain and he moved his head to look at me to make sure I was okay.

"You were in the wrong fucking spot!" She yelled. She pulled me back from the wall and then slammed me back making me yelp and I closed my eyes letting it happen. She slammed me into the wall at least 7 times. Not that I was counting because I was more focused on the pain shooting through my entire spine and neck at the moment. When she slammed me against the wall, supposedly the 7th time, I opened one of my eyes glaring at her.

"Ask Josh. Ask my sister. Ask anyone dammit. I was in the correct spot!" I yelled and she threw me onto the floor next to Josh and he looked at Agatha.

"She is telling the truth! I was on the correct housetop with my rifle pointed before she even got to the spot! She was right!" He yelled and then the guards grabbed a big gun that I couldn't name and they slammed the butt of the gun into his head knocking him out. I looked at the gun scared and they brought it above my head slamming it down as well knocking me out within an instant.

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