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"Don't get into too much trouble while I'm away" Timothee lectures me. He lifts me high as we say our final farewells.

"I cannot promise you that" I tease him as he looks into my saddened eyes, "I got you something" I admit.

"Is it stolen? Because if it is, I don't---"

"Don't be rude and look a gift horse in the mouth!" I retort, cutting off his chance to protest,  "and for your info, it is not stolen! I used stolen money to buy technically it's not."

"Syd... the king has been getting reports of a surplus of robberies in the 100 Acre Forrest and has been watching this area more strictly. You are raising a red flag upon yourself." He unravels a thin scroll and passes it to me and I curiously read its contents:



Unnamed female is wanted for petty crimes against the rich people in the kingdom of Enchancia. She appears to be aged 14, with thick brown hair, rich skin and a slender build.

Any information, Speak to the Shierff

REWARD: 5,000 danais


"Oh my gosh!" I whisper, paralyzed with shock.

"I know.." Timothee sighed in understanding, trying to sympathize with my worry, "If you just lay low from now on---"

"I am worth so much more than 5,000!" I protest in frustration, but still I grin, pleased that I had finally gained some recognition.

"I know this time may be a difficul --- wait... WHATTT!!!??" he yells.

"Look Tim! I am wanted in 4 city states and 3 villages! Is this the news you wanted to tell me before you left?"

"Why are you so happy? You are a wanted woman!" he breathed with disblief.

"Lighten up Tim Tim! Ill never get caught!"

"You're crazy" he smiles affectionately, I knew he couldn't help it when it came to me. He shakes his head and quickly unravels my gift; it was a gold pin with the insignia of a stag to represent Jeff.

He twists it against his fingers and looks at me in silence for he knew it was stolen.

"It's wonderful Syd! Thanks so much Syd! You're the best friend in the world!" I tease him, hinting at the words he should say to show his appreciation.

"I love it Syd...thank you. I just--I worry about you" he hugs me and looks into my eyes, right at the moment a tear decides to form.

"Is the great Sydney crying?"

"No... flower dust is in my eye" I lie and turn my head away from him. Timothee grabs both my wrists and pulls me closer to him, wiping away my tears with care. We stare at each other silently as he allows me to cry.

"I will truly miss you. Not because my food supplier is leaving, but because of your company; you make this forest seem kinda small"

"I'll come down for Christmas and holidays. I promise.Walk me to the outskirts of the hideout?"

I nod as we walk arm in arm to the edge of the forest.

"Well..." I whisper awkwardly, "Goodbye" I kiss his cheek quickly and turn to walk away.

Robyn: Princess of Thieves ⏸Where stories live. Discover now