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"Do you think we lost them?" I asked. I looked behind my shoulder as we continued to trot into the distance. We had been traveling for hours. The setting sun was the only lighting we had.

"I think so" Charles answered flatly. He pulled into a small creek in the distance and helped me off the black horse. I bend down in the creek to wash my face off from the dirt stuck to my skin.

"We have a lot figure out before nightfall. We need to find shelter, a place to hide, and food."

"Mhhhmmm" Charles hummed as he bent to wash his own face in the waters. He had been silent since we had escaped.

But for what reason?
I hadn't done nothing to garner his hostility!

"Charles....are you okay? You seem...angry" I asked timidly. He continued to ignore me as he took off his sweaty shirt to hang it against the branch of a tree.

"I know you're probably still mad because I kinda stole the ring and allowed us in this predicament and —-"

"Don't forget lying to me about your past! Oh! and failing to tell me you were a notorious thief wanted across the kingdom of Eurphoria" he interrupted my speech.

"Charles..: that's not fair." I muttered as I try to defend myself.

"I don't get it Syd? Time after time I have proved my loyalty to you. I told you how much I loved you. I wanted to make you my queen. I was willing to ignore your past. Then you go and tell Timothee.... " you don't know if  you still have feelings for him?"

"Charles... please don't make it bigger than it seems"

"Answer me now Sydney. Do you still have feelings for Timothee"

I remained silent because I really couldn't answer. He chuckled softly and smiled "unbelievable"

"I didn't even give you answer!" I protested.

"You didn't say no"

"But I didn't say yes" I retorted.

"Selfish" he scoffed and pushed past me.


"You heard me! SELFISH! You are S-E-L-F-I-S-H" he yelled.

"No I am not!" I scoffed, how dare he label me that.

"From our first encounter, to the ring, to the carriage. You don't think about anyone but yourself. You are selfish Sydney."

"You think I didn't think about you, when I first agreed to marry you?" 

"It was to save Maya and the only reason she was there was because of you! Everyone's problem is always because of YOU!"

"Charles! That's not fair"

 "Look. Let's just follow the map and save the kingdom. We need to restore balance to the kingdom of Enchancia and returning the ring is the only way. Let's do that and be done"

"Charles" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm gonna find sticks to build a fire" he muttered and pushed me off to search in the forest.

I fell to my knees and began to cry. Was what he said true? 

Was I selfish?

Why couldn't I choose between the two?

 I loved Charles more than ever, but felt I never gave Timothee a chance? Who knows what we could have been if I never stole the ring from Charles? Everything I had done so far seemed to be biting me back in the butt.


The moon lit the night sky as we slept on opposite ends of the campgrounds. I shook with coldness as the summer breeze blew against my skin. We couldn't keep the fire lit since it could attract strangers. Another line of chills dressed my body before  a warm cloth wrapped around my body. I looked up and saw Charles white shirt, resting against my torso.

I looked up to see where he was sleeping but he wasn't there. He had probably gone to gather more supplies. 

I didn't deserve him.

He was my only peace in this world of misery.

My knight in shining armor.


"Charles! Breakfast is ready"I yelled, cracking the last egg. He still faced the creek, ignoring my call.

"Charles" I bent to poke his cheek, "Common you haven't said one word to me... it's been two days and you can't stay mad at me forever." I pouted and flipped him over.

"OH MY GOSH! CHARLES" I screamed as I saw a pool of sweat on his face. He was burning up! I ran to get some heavy clothes and quickly wrapped him up. He needed to sweat out the fever before the cold air got to him again. I felt his throat to see if it was swollen. Maybe he had eating something he wasn't supposed to.

 "Charles...I know you cant speak right now. Just rest and I will take care of you" I promised, soft tears dripping from my cheeks. He went in and out of consciousness as I wrapped a soft cloth around his head.

I would nurse him back to health....I must.


Author Note:

Was Charles right? Is Robyn selfish?

I knew I wanted to make someone sick, but I couldn't decide if I wanted Sydney to get sick and Charles take car of her...but hes been taking care of her since the start. It's time for Sydney to stop being SELFISH! and take some responsibility.

Robyn: Princess of Thieves ⏸Where stories live. Discover now