The Forbidden Tree

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Hey guys! This book went on for way tooo long so I am trying to finish this book in 4-7 chapters and update frequently until I finish! Sorry for neglecting it for so long! And I sincerely apologize for all the typos and flow of writing! We are back in business!

Prince Charles

Three days passed as Sydney and I followed the map that would lead us to the forbidden tree of Enchancia. Closer and closer we paced to the "X" that marked the spot. "We're almost there. Just a few more steps" I announced rather carefully; we were still on the run from my father's men. She nodded and followed close behind, hanging on my arm as we continued deeper into the forest. 

We had bonded over the lengthy trip, confessing our love and devotion to each other. Although the trip was long and tedious, I cherished every minute of it; hiding beneath the canopy of the trees, kissing beneath the stars of the night as we hid from the guards of the kingdom. Many nights we would stay up, planning our futures, gambling on the number of children we would have. It helped to take our minds off our imminent reality.

"Charles" Sydney gasped, pointing to a tall tree in the distance. We reached a beautiful canopy of leaves surrounding the length of the forest. Thin vines cascaded into a blanket against the water path as we approached it.

 Thin vines cascaded into a blanket against the water path as we approached it

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"Come on" I bent low to remove my shoes and strip to my braziers. She smiled, slowly raking over my form with appreciation. She quickly followed suit and stripped to her undergarments, dipping her feet into the coolness of the river. We had no idea where the waters would lead us but we were both up for the adventure.

We both swam until we reached the middle of the center, pushing away the curtain of leaves to approach its core. I held out my palm so she could grab it and helped her up the path of rocks and twigs so she could sit upon the raised stump.

She plopped onto the wooden surface and sighed, squeezing the water from her hair. I couldn't help but laugh as she pouted, focusing on drying her tight curls. "This must be the forbidden tree of Enchancia" she spoke, "..but..isn't it supposed to be enchanted or something?" she frowned.

"Yea...So?" I laughed, leaning against the branch of the tree. She crouched low and smoothed her hands against the surface of the bark. "Is there a lever we have to pull?" she pouted, annoyed by the absence of activity.

"Maybe we just have to wait?" I suggest, pulling her into my arms. I couldn't focus on the task and pulled her into my warm embrace, admiring her beauty. We continued to kiss under the tranquillity of the tree. Reluctantly she broke and stared into my eyes. 

"Charles...what do you think will happen to us when we return the ring?  " she frowned, pulling away as I caressed her lips. I knew she waiting for me to find the right words to say.

"Sydney don't do this, not now" I cursed, pulling her jaw to face mine. Although we spoke of the future, we knew the trouble that would await us once we returned to the palace. The only way we would come out alive if some sort of miracle happened that would turn back time.

I continued to mark her neck as she hugged me tenderly. "Charles...what are we going to do? What about us...?"

" I don't know Syd..." I confessed; even I couldn't find the words to say. She pulled the ring from her finger and placed it in the middle of the trunk.

"Nothing?" she sighed and fell into my arms as I hugged her waist close. She turned to rest her head against my chest as I kissed her scalp under the calm of the tree.

"Timothee said there was a watcher that presided over the tree... weren't they supposed to appear? Wasn't something supposed to happen?" she challenged, turning to meet my eyes.

"We must wait...patiently" I advised and we rested in each other's arms until the sun set and lulled us to sleep.

Robyn: Princess of Thieves ⏸Where stories live. Discover now