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On the last chapter of Robyn: Princess of Thieves:

Here" he frowned and passed me the sacred ring of Enchancia, "There is an enchanted tree, deep in the forest of Encancia. That is where your mother and my father found the ring. Return it back to its rightful owner."

"But if I return it...what will that do?"

"There is a watcher over the tree. She will tell you all there is about the fate of Enchancia"


"Charles...I know you cant speak right now. Just rest and I will take care of you" I promised, soft tears dripping from my cheeks. He went in and out of consciousness as I wrapped a soft cloth around his head.

I would nurse him back to health....I must.


Two days passed as I nursed Charles back to health. Day and night, I watched him, praying to the stars for his health and longevity.

It was on the fourth day that he wrestled awake and leaned up against the tree.

"Sydney" he grumbled, watching me as I bent over the river.

"Charles? Charles you're awake!" I frowned and went to hug him. He held me tightly, confused at my actions and kissed my neck.

"What happened? Where are we?"

"You have been sick for days. You had a terrible fever... falling in and out of sleep. You almost died" I whispered, wiping off his brow with a warm towel.

"You nurse me backed to health?" he asked, gently grabbing my chin. I nodded quietly and smiled. He intertwined my hands with his and kissed each one.

"Thank you...Syd. For everything... I mean" he tried to apologize; I knew he felt bad after he had called me selfish a couple of days.

"Apology accepted" I nodded shyly and kissed his head as I squeezed out the last of the sweat from the cloth.

"So we cut through the forest and head through the borders of Enchancia"

"Through thé borders?" I asked skeptically.

"It's more discreet that way to travel. The border is what Kings and royals take to be safe through the forest"

 I nodded, trusting his words and went to pack the last of our things.

"Let's go find that tree" he smiled, rolling the scrolls to leave. We packed our stuff and prepped for the long journey ahead. Just as we packed the last of our things, three of the king's guards came and saw our discarded junk.

"Charles!" I pulled his sleeve and pointed to the three men approaching our space in the distance.

"How did they find us" he cursed, lifting his arms to shield me from their view. "Do you think they saw us?"

"No...but let's not give them a chance to find out" he whispers.

"Come on! We have to climb up!" I whispered, pulling his wrist to follow me. We both climbed to the top of the tree and remain silent as the men paced across the width of the forest.

"Look! " the three guards announced, bending to pick up our discarded clothes and rags. "Do you think they're leaving a trace on purpose?"

"I doubt it" another guard rejected the claim.

"We must have caught them unannounced. Come on! They  must have not gotten too far." They smiled and ran to the south of the forest to try and find us.

"How far away are we from the castle?" Charles asked.

"Probably a day and a half's journey." I pouted. "We didn't have a chance to go far because of your fever." I stared at him.

He nodded and pulled me into his arms as we rested on the trunk of the tree.

"Look it's too dark to see anything. Let's sleep up here and move on foot, early tomorrow morning?" he spoke, running his fingers through my hair. I couldn't help but shake with fear only worried about the king's men. "No Charles! We need to move now.. before they go back and alert the rest of the guards"

"You're right...I just..." he trailed off.

"We better get started then." I frowned. He sighed softly and leaned forward to help me down the tree. And we continued on to find the tree of Enchancia.

Robyn: Princess of Thieves ⏸Where stories live. Discover now