Gypsies of the Night

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Really really long but 💀💀🍿🍿 enjoy

I slather gel between my hands and pack my loose curls into a sleek ponytail. My stomach churns violently as the time to attend the party nears. If it were up to me, I would not attend but the desire to steal back the ring makes that impossible.

By sunset, each woman was dressed and perfumed. Bright skimpy outfits of thin tulle and silk greeted my vision.

"Ladies" I yell for their attention, "We are not going to this party to be spectacles of entertainment; we are going as thieves. This job is no different than the others. Have your fill with wine but don't get too drunk and steal as much as you can!"

"Whooo" the ladies yell, excited for their plunder and loot.

I go to adjust the thin red tulle across my mouth and chuckle as the younger girls peek into the room behind the thin partition. Their eyes glisten with excitement, imagining how they, in just a few years, would be able to join our missions.

A sharp sound near the back door demands my attention. Maya struts in and sits on the empty chair in front of me.

"Leave" I command her.

She ignores my demand and starts applying purple rouge to her face.

"You are too young Maya."

"How many times do I have to prove myself, Robyn? I am almost 13!" she grumbles.

"You just turned 12 and you haven't proved anything! You are not an outcast and you are too young for this mission."

"Robyn! I can help! I should be able to --"

"The only thing you should be doing is keeping watch with Laycee and Em. You are not going."

She opens her mouth to protest but I hold up my palm to stop her.

"My word is final Maya. Leave!" I snap.

She storms out the tent making sure everyone could hear her angry footsteps. I look into the mirror with shame and remorse. These young girls looked up to us as if what we were doing was admirable. They had nothing to look forward to other than a life of crime and despair.

"It's not your fault" Janae comes behind me to comfort me.

"I know... but sometimes I feel like...I am leading them to a life of crime?" I confess. 

"It's not your responsibility to steer them in the right path. They follow you because they have no other option. It's the fault of the king and his greedy ways" she chimes, fixing a stray hair from my face.

She looks at my figure and grins as she sees my skimpy, sequined, red ensemble complete with matching slippers.

"Red?" she questions. I told her of the Prince's snarky comments and overconfident nature so of course she was satisfied that I wore the color to challenge him.

"Robyn! Are you going to a nunnery?" She pulls down my top, adjusting my bosoms until they were close to slipping out.

"Alright! I think they're good" I chuckle and push her off.


Prince Charles

The royal guards and attendants sat and spoke excitedly as they waited for the entertainment. They had coaxed their wives and children to bed in anticipation of the show.

"Charles Common! We have been waiting patiently! Where are the women?" Sheriff James playfully elbows me.

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