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"I never knew that you'd leave like that, it was really difficult to trace you down, Zaelia

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"I never knew that you'd leave like that, it was really difficult to trace you down, Zaelia. I had to go through so much process because of you."
His eyes laid cold, staring right into my soul.

I stayed silent but in aware, my fist clenched, discontented by his sudden arrival.

I don't want to do anything with this man.

"You're not my uncle"
Even when my body shivered in fear, I strongly declared that he wasn't my uncle. In all honesty, we weren't blood related, he was simply someone that my grandfather decided to take in from the orphanage.

He let out a tired sigh.
"Ah, Zaelia, Zaelia"
He shooked his head mildly, already feeling outgrown by my hospitality and refusal.

"You're my niece by law, I can easily aquire you in an instant. Either you obediently return with me or-"
He pondered around the shop before completing his sentence, then he grinned widely like a Cheshire cat, I frowned at his sudden change of expression. I didn't get a good feeling about it.

"So what was her name again? Oh yeah, Kaylee Kim, is it?"
A pained feeling burdened my shoulder.

What was he going to do to Ms. Kaylee?

No, he wouldn't.

But a second thought intruded my mind. If it was this man, he won't hesitate to hurt her.

He triggered my emotions, I was no more a stable and composed girl, rather a really weak and worthless.

"Stop with this!"

I pleaded but he simply snickered like a mad man, this sight horrified me. I was nowhere near safe, I couldn't stay here, alone with him any longer.

He walked towards me, suspension hanged in the air as he took each step, one after the other.
"Seeing you dread in fear like this, I dislike it. You don't have to put up your guard when I'm around. I won't hurt you"

His hands approached my face but I stepped back, avoiding any physical contact with him.
"Get away from me. Or I'll scream."

"Then do it, I don't think anyone would hear you anyway"
He quickly closed up the gap between us, trapping my body with his arms wrapped around me.

"I said get away from me!"
I tried to push him off, but my strength was of no use. I was physically outgrown by his strength.

"Like I said I won't hurt you"
His words may seem like a comfort to one, but the way he say it, it felt horrifying.
My body trembled profusely, I couldn't move at all.

Just when everything seemed to be like a life threatening moment, he pulled a few strings of my hair and pushed it behind my earlobe.
"You're a precious asset in our family, Zaelia"
He breathed out.

I held my breath when I realised he was really close to taking me away. My voice was robbed of, I couldn't scream any longer.

I was scared of what he would do next.

"Zaelia? Hey! Who are you!"
Just as I heard Mr. Seokjin call out my name, I let out a slight relief.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, as he turned to face Mr. Seokjin, he seemed even more irritated that someone else has intruded between us.

Ms Kaylee came into sight, walking behind her husband, until she stopped to catch up with the situation.

He simply smirked at the sight of them, and looked back at me.
"Very soon, Zaelia. Until then"

And he walked passed the pair but Mr. Seokjin held him back, firmly grabbing onto his arm.

"For a man to make a woman cry, I won't forgive such people easily"
Mr. Seokjin stated, he hated impertinent manners, such as this.

"You've got some guts to stop someone like me. Who do you think you are?"
He scorned, as he questioned Mr. Seokjin for his daring act towards him.

A heavy tension filled around the air inside the shop, Ms. Kaylee cluthed onto her husband's coat, giving him aidance from behind.

Just as the scene was unfolding right before my eyes, sudden flashbacks of the past came rushing through and I remembered what he did to the people who stood for me in the past.

If I don't stop Mr. Seokjin now, not only him but Ms. Kaylee's life would be in danger as well.

I used up all my strength to quickly prevent Mr. Seokjin from doing anything reckless and he was satisfied that I intervened, but Mr. Seokjin was nowhere near happy about it.

"Good girl, Zaelia"
And with that, he left the shop.

I realised that with my being here, neither Ms. Kaylee nor Mr. Seokjin won't be safe any longer, here and from now on.

A/N: Unedited

Thank you!

Thank you!_GlitchSky_

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