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"three acquaintances"

"Kim Taehyung"Taehyung uttered his name out for the guest list manager to make sure that he was invited by Mr

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"Kim Taehyung"
Taehyung uttered his name out for the guest list manager to make sure that he was invited by Mr. One.

Seconds later, the man reflected a welcoming smile at him.
"We've been waiting for your arrival Mr. Taehyung"

An attendant came forward and bowed before Taehyung.
"If you would, Mr. Taehyung, Mr. One has asked me to lead the way for you."

Taehyung quietly followed wherever the attendant led him. He was aware and needful of the surroundings around him, after all it was the one and only "Mr. One" who's made him that way.

The attendant then knocked on the door before entering.

"You may enter"
A hoarse yet strong proclaiming voice resonated from the other side of the room.

Once the door pushed open, the attendant stood by the door, signaling Taehyung to enter.

He entered, anxiety burdened his shoulder as he came face to face with the man who never favored him.

"Have a seat"

Taehyung quietly sat down as per his order.

"Do you have any idea why I called you here?"
The man reflected a sharp glare at Taehyung, obviously displeased that he had to invite him out of the blue.

"If I've caused some ruckus, then I would know about it. But I did nothing to cause you trouble for the past years."
Taehyung answered calmly without a haste.

"Here, take a look at this"
Mr. One slipped a documented file across the table.

As Taehyung got hold of the file, the first thing he took out was a picture. He frowned as soon as he laid eyes on the other pictures as well. The file consisted nothing but pictures, pictures of a familiar person.


Mr. One raised his brows, surprised and slightly taken aback by this unexpected turn of event.

"So you're both already acquainted?"

"No. I just know her name, nothing else. But why did you show me pictures of her?"

"I want you to take her away from her family."

"Are you referring that I kidnap her?"
Taehyung asked in confusion, unexpectedly Mr. One was asking him to create trouble which he least expected from.

"Did you even hear me right? Take away and kidnap are two different words."

"Why would you want me to take her away from her family?"

"I have nothing else to tell you, simply know that you're doing a favour to her"

"Mr. One, I don't exactly know what kind of a relation you have with this girl or her family but I'd like to know the reason why you're asking me to do this?"

"Are you deaf?"

"Apart from the fact that you do not favour me and you're asking me to take someone away from her family which is a crime. There must be a reason why you're asking me when you could simply pay someone else to do the work. Or is it that you really want to get rid of me?"

Mr. One gritted his teeth, realizing that Taehyung was not a simple man. Truth be told, he knew that there was no one better than Taehyung who'd do a good job in this.

"If you do this, I'll have you take the whole share of my work, become the new president."
Taehyung frowned even more at his words, hearing them was too surreal for him.

"You'd give up your position for a mere person like her?"
Taehyung questioned, as he was unable to comprehend what Mr. One was actually scheming.

"She's not just any person"

"She's with her family, family is the least dangerous thing you could think of."
Taehyung debated, he still couldn't grab hold of the situation, about Mr. One asking him to take Zaelia away from her family and also about handing his position to him.

"This is an order. As your president, I expect you to do it. Fail me and I'll have you withdraw from your current status or rather-"
Mr. One brought his hand up caressing his chin, having another thought in his mind.
"-or maybe I should have a light visit in that floral shop"

Just as he mentioned about the shop, Taehyung lost his composure and got up from his seat. He knew exactly what Mr. One was referring to.

"Don't you dare"
Taehyung threatened.

"Then have this work done. I give you my word I won't do anything to hurt  anyone dear to you"

"Fine. I'll take her away and keep her under my care. I hope that you don't go back to your word."

"By the way-"
And before Taehyung could leave the room, Mr. One asked one last question.
"Your anosmia, it seems you still haven't recovered it yet."

"I have it treated daily. You don't need to bother yourself with this"
Taehyung barged out of the room, without wishing him back. It seemed as though, he was already done trying to keep up with Mr. One. Nothing ever goes right when it comes to dealing with him.

But without Mr. One's help, Taehyung wouldn't be where he is today and not only for that cause, he also owes that man a big favour as well.

Tch. If only, it were someone else other than him.
Taehyung clicked his tongue, wishing for the impossible.

As Mr. One watched the young man before him leave rudely without even turning back. He had an embittered smile plastered on his face. Then he took out an old photograph from his chest pocket, a sad, mournful expression came through his face.

The photograph consisted of three old acquaintances, laughing heartedly and sharing warmth among themselves, Mr. One was one of them.

"It's unfair of you both, you know"
Mr. One was now trying to have an imaginary conversation with the other two men who simply laid as nothing but picturesque figures in a photo card.
"-going elsewhere, leaving me with both your kids behind. Do you expect that I'd care for them both? I haven't even married yet. Look at me, a bachelor at such an old age"

He bitterly scoffed at himself, as he was taken back to the past where nothing was bothering them, only happy memories lingered.

"By the way, Kim Il Sung, your son seems to hate me so much."
He sighed
"-but it's not his fault though, I was the rude one to begin with."

Inhaling deeply, he laid himself back on his chair, while two names hindered his mind.
"Zaelia and Taehyung."

A/N: Unedited

Photograph of the three acquaintances. Mr. One(middle) and the other two men.

 One(middle) and the other two men

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Images found from Google. I do not own it. Edits are originally mine.

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