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"this night on"

"this night on"

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Taehyung's pov

"Dimlight guest event"

Venue: The Cheong Mansion

"Here you are"
Moonbyul passed over my iPad, a file containing all recorded history of the Cheong family were previewed. While swiping the pages on the screen, a woman's picture was shown.

"Who's this?"
I asked, as my fingers continuously tapped the back screen of the iPad.

"That is late Mrs. Jung Sinha, Zaelia's mother"

"What do you mean? Jung? Isn't Zaelia a 'Cheong'?"

"After both her parent's death, Zaelia's grandfather changed her last name from Jung Zaelia to Cheong Zaelia."

"Seems like her grandfather isn't such an easy man after all."
My conclusion came into being, after analyzing about their family's history.

"We're here"
Moonbyul took the iPad from my hands and tidied up my tie for me. Then she got out and stood by the car, waiting for me to get off.

"Well here goes nothing"
As I came out of the car and walked towards the entrance door, the doormen swinged the wooden block open, and a grand event awaited.

I forced myself to join in and mingle with the people that had nothing to do but simply drink and enjoy the night's courtesy. Meanwhile, Moonbyul stood by the sidelines, observing, keeping in mind the only purpose we came here for.

My eyes wandered around, looking for her but I couldn't find her anywhere.

Where is she?

It was difficult to catch her, there were more female invitees than expected.
Without any hesitation, I slowly walked to where Moonbyul was.

"Isn't she supposed to be here?"
I asked, slow and quietly.

"She should be."
Moonbyul looked around, and as a waiter passed by us, she took two glasses of champagne and handed me one. Then she dropped a pair of tablets inside the drink.


"Don't drink it. Keep it. Just for emergency incase"
She alerted.

"You're unpredictable"
I exclaimed, scoffing at her braveness.

"Mr. Cheong's here, even his step son, Mr. Jaeyun, but not his granddaughter."

"That's odd."
The Cheong family was somewhat more complicated than any other family. Maybe I may have exaggerated a little too much but it wasn't too less to be considered normal as well.

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