Kids Personalities

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Lawrence Gordon: Casey has a smart but kind personality.

Captain Spaulding: Georgina have a tough personality if anyone picks on her.

Jacob Goodnight: Brent have a kind but shy personality.

LookSee: Max have a scary personality just like his dad.

David: Steven have a sweet but kind of a cocky personality.

Dwayne: Both Anna and Alexa have kind personalities.

Paul: Pauline have a sweet but scary personality if anyone picks on the ones she love.

Marko: Zachery have a cunning yet cool personality.

Aka Manto: Jasper have a scary personality just like his dad.

Chop Top: Patrick have a talented personality.

Jill Tuck: Keith have a kindhearted personality like his mom Jill.

La Llorona: Charlene have a smart personality.

Teke-Teke: Franklin have a shy personality due to him having no arms.

Hanako: Sabrina have sweet yet scary personality when she gets mad.

Mrs. Lovett: Benjamin have a kind yet smart personality.

Sarah Bailey: Katherine have a bookworm personality as she loves to read.

Nancy Downs: Stephen have a scary personality if anyone picks on him.

Star: Jordan have a kind personality.

Kimmy: Amy have a girly personality as Lacey got a emo personality.

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