Devastating News

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Captain Spaulding: *dies*

Me: *tears up and whimpers* Captain Spaulding.. no

Baby Firefly: *cries hard* Daddy!!!

Mama Firefly: *cries hard*


Kimmy: *puts a few white candles around Captain Spaulding's body*

Otis Driftwood: *closes eyes in honor to respect him*

Sweeney Todd: Captain Spaulding, an amazing killer and a great father to his daughter Baby Firefly. Hope he Rest In Peace.

Hanako: A moment of silence for him.

Every killer: *stays silent*

Me: *closes eyes and raises white candle*

Teke-Teke: RIP Spaulding you will be missed.

RIP Sid Haig. You are an amazing actor ever in House Of 100 Corpses, Devil's Rejects and even 3 From Hell. May you be at peace in Heaven above with Matthew McGregory and even Karen Black. *raises white candles*

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