Teke-Teke's Wedding

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(A/N: Is anyone ready to see the adopted son Franklin to marry the love of his life? This character is picked by Nightmare_tanaka. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!)

Franklin is so excited to marry the love of his life Will Ryan as he got on a tuxedo in black with a red corsage on it as he carefully comb his hair. When he first met Will, he begin to feel very happy that he protect him from being bullied as he even star in his YouTube channel. As he's finish, Zachery came inside with a smile.

"Hey Franklin! Ready to marry Will?" Will asked

"Of course I'm ready." Franklin chuckled

"I'm so happy that Will gave you prosthetic arms." Zachery said

"Yup. It made me feel so happy." Franklin smiled

At the front of the aisle, Will begin to feel a bit nervous as Caleb begin to pat his back and told him to relax as David played the organ as Franklin walked over with a calm smile and begin to hold his hand.

"Friends and family, we are gathered here to see Will Ryan and Franklin in matrimony. They both love each other very much and will always be together." El Silbon said

"Will Ryan, you have made me feel so happy. You have raised my self esteem and confidence and you are my favorite lover. You made me laugh at times and you even sing so good to calm me down. You are an awesome guy and very caring.  I will treat you like a king and will always love you for the rest of my life." Franklin said

"Franklin, you are the lover that made me feel happy. Ever since we met, you are the cutest person I've ever seen. You are so sweet and very kind to me and you are the person who cared. I will treat you like a prince and will always be with you till death due us part." Will Ryan said

After when they both say 'I dos', they both share a kiss as everyone cheered with happiness. The group Marilyn Manson begin to perform onstage as you begin to record Franklin dancing with Will as Caleb Hyles records him dancing. After when he's finish, Marilyn begin to sing the song Say10 as Will shared some cake with him. After the party, Marilyn begin to autograph Franklin's wedding picture as Will smiled at him as they both went to the limo together. They both have the best wedding ever.

Teke-Teke: Hell Yeah! Great job!!

Me: Why thanks

Sarah: So everyone we got a few more characters left!

Lawrence Gordon: We got:

•Lawrence Gordon
•Captain Spaulding
•Jacob Goodnight
•Aka Manto
•La Llorona
•Chop Top Sawyer
•Jill Tuck

David: So please take your time to pick which character you want next!

Teke-Teke: Hope you all have a very good day and stay cool

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