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A firm hand cupped my breasts. "So soft..." he whispered against my skin. Tsechiliz pushed up my top leaving my chest bare for him to gaze upon. Tracing circles he moved his head towards them as he released my hands on top of my head. As his mouth took them one by one I gasped for breath. It was then I realized I could move my arms, my hands! Tsechiliz was too busy indulging himself. He missed the important detail of the drugs wearing off. After all, they were made to calm a patient down for only a short period of time. I looked around for something I could us to get him off of me, trying to move as little as possible. A firm squeeze, a soft bite. I had to concentrate, my eyes fell on my cubic electric alarm clock on my bedside table.

I felt Tsechiliz pull the blankets off my body. His lips leaving my swollen breasts and heading downwards. I had to do something soon. I couldn't let this get any more out of hand than it already was. Lips tracing my panties, fingers fiddling with the sides. "I wonder if you taste better there than your tears, little soul..." He teased as his hands grabbed either side. I panicked. "Don't f*cking touch me!" I screamed as I slammed my alarm clock into Scott's head. Tsechiliz showed certain shock as the clock hit him right between the eyes. He fell off the bed and I jumped right on top of him. Alarm clock still in hand, I didn't stop hammering.

The piercing sound of Scotts real voice rang through my ears as other nurses tried to peel me off. Finally pinned down, I felt a sharp pain in my side. Everything after that became really heavy and I drifted off to unconsciousness.


A light shining again in one eye, then the other. The familiar scent. "Can you hear me Alexis?" Asked Dr. Fulton who was one of the two psychiatrists who attend to this block of the asylum. "Yes... I can hear you Elijah" I mumbled tired and annoyed. "Well now, it seems your back to your normal self!" he chuckled. "Nevertheless miss Upton, as my patient, I should remind you, again, you are not allowed to call me by my first name.". "Yes, Dr. Fulton. I'll try to remember." I grumbled, with as much sarcasm as I could muster. "However Elijah, I would remember better if I wasn't chained to a bed like an animal" I pointed out with a nasty smile. "Well then Alexis. Would you care to explain to me, why you destroyed Scott's face last night with an Alarm clock?" Elijah asked with an icy tone.

"I wasn't trying to hurt Scott! It was an accident the demon..." I objected. "Oh no, not this again Alexis!" Sera squealed so she could interrupt my explanation. "I'm sick of her nonsense!" She roared to Dr. Fulton. The horrible young woman was head over heels in love with Scott. So it was fair to assume that me beating in his handsome face, was not cool in her book. Not that I or any other patient would care. Their disgusting flirting rituals made everyone vomit. However my recent indiscretion would solve that, so that made me pretty much a hero. "Miss Smith, could you kindly vacant the room please." Elijah requested. With a twist and turn Sera left the room angry. "Alexis, have you been taking all your medication?" He asked me now that we were alone.

I hated this question. I wasn't crazy, I didn't need medication. I didn't understand why me and Seth were the only ones who could see them. But we could. It's the damned reason we got put in this forgotten place called Forest Hill. "Miss Upton. Did you, or did you not, take all your medication?" Elijah repeated losing patience. "Yes, I have been taking all my medication Dr. Fulton." I said in a monotone voice. Of course I hadn't but only one person knew that, and we weren't going to take medication for an illness we didn't have. If I didn't have Seth, I might have doubted my sanity. However we were together in this madness now, and we were going to get out of it together. Seth could also see these things, these strange creatures, these demons. They were a constant. Always hiding and sliding around in the corners of our eyes. We could feel their tendrils at night, when they came for us.

"... is that an understandable request miss Upton?" Elijah asked. Pay attention damn it stupid brain. I wanted to get out of this bed, these chains and walk around. I had to find Seth and tell him about everything. "Could you please repeat that request one more time dr. Fulton?" I asked with the nicest smile I could muster. "Firstly, that your medication will be changed to a higher dose. Secondly that you will be held in solitary for one week under surveillance. Or longer, depending on your behavior. Thirdly, no seeing Seth during this period as punishment, for almost blinding a man for the rest of his life. Is that an understandable request miss Upton?"

"Yes, Dr. Fulton, I understand." I stammered, trying to contain my anger. Elijah got up and left the room. I heard him talking to Ace, who was the oldest male nurse in the asylum. A respectable kind man, who liked to play cards a lot during his shift. No one knew his real name, but no one needed to know. Ace walked in the room with his big frame and gave me a small smile. "Hey there darling, how are you feeling?" he asked. "A bit light headed and tired." I complained with a sigh. "Now, now, let's get you out of these horrible restraints and up to your new room. However Lexie, no funny things, or I will have to knock you out again. You understand?" he explained with a very serious tone. "Ace, I wouldn't mess with yah even if I wanted too" I said with a smile.

Having the braces off felt so good, like scratching an itch. Ace led me up to this so called 'new room' or better said cage, in which I was meant to stay for a week. I sighed as I walked in but Ace still gave me a quick hug before he closed the door and dead bolted it. I let out a large grunt as I wondered to myself what the hell I was going to do in here for a week. I looked around, and saw the same plain bed the asylum had in every room. The typical white walls. Undecorated because you never know when you might want to eat it or stab yourself. This time I let out a big sigh, but stopped in the middle of it. When I noticed the window had a sill to sit on. I grabbed a pillow of the bed and walked towards the window. Climbing on top of the sill I sat down and looked outside. Damn, night was coming, and I hated my body for being so tired.


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