11. Sign Language

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 “Wake up sleepyhead! Breakfast is served.” Tilly said with a mother’s voice as she ruffled my hair. Turning around I could see her walking out of the room. Crawling back under my pillow, I had decided I was too exhausted to get up and that I wasn’t going to get out of this bed today. My fatigue was the lovely byproduct, which I received every night that I stayed up, in fear for what could come.  The fear of having another rerun in Tsechiliz Dream Realm filled with pain and suffering. However my body didn’t think it was the best move sleep wise, so I guessed feeling like a ragdoll was its way if retaliating.

“Seth! Don’t make me get Ace!” Tilly yelled through the door. Honestly at the moment I didn’t care who she got. I was well past normal exhaustion and I had no intention of getting out of this bed. Like a snooze button, I heard someone walk into my room and a flipping mattress later, I was on the floor. Hitting the floor with my face was not pleasant to say the least. Dizzily I opened one eye I and found myself starting at Ace’s shoes. “Pills now, Shower after and then eat Boy!” Ace demanded as he popped the ‘B’.  He handed me my pills and a glass of water. Spilling half the glass on myself in my weird position on the floor, I took a big gulp of water. Ace laughed as he passed the flipped mattress in order to get out of my room. Lying still on the floor I decided that this victory was his and I spat the pills back in my hand.

Slowly I got myself off the floor and wobbled sleep drunk over to my white table. I looked at my disappointing breakfast tray and grunted. “Aww come on, how hard is it to make some bacon and eggs for once!” I yelled angrily towards my open door. I was honestly getting fed up with the lack of creativity when it came to food here. Placing my pills under my bread, I lazily took my new clothes and walked towards my shower. Turning on the shower tap with lightning reflexes as to avoid the cold water, I waited for it to get warm. I stared half asleep at my fresh gray clothes, Sunday, boring Sunday. As I shrugged off my sleepwear the shower finally started to steam up.

Jumping in, I relaxed completely under the warm water. Oh how I just wanted to sit down and sleep in the shower some more. I felt like crap, I was miserable without Alexis. I missed her in more ways than one. The memory of her on that bed had never left my mind. It was wrong thinking of her that way, but it just wouldn’t stop. One day she was my little sister and the other she turned into a fully, very well formed woman I just wanted to taste and touch all over. Getting fully aroused I decided that I didn’t want Ace in my shower and finding me throbbing with lust. I grabbed the shampoo and started washing my scalp as I tried to block the image of Alexis’ sensual body out of my mind.

Getting ready didn’t really require any work beside my hair. Not having access to any kind of hair gel in this worthless place, I had learnt a new way to acquire my Mohawk.  We men know how important style is, not to mention your reputation. I chuckled at the memory of Alexis teasing me the first couple of days without my Mohawk. Oh how I could of strangled her then. You would think girls would understand the importance of appearance but then again she always looked so good naturally. My groin ached with pain in complaint of not being relieved. Damn, why did she make me feel this way? Shaking my head, I grabbed the bar of soap and held it under the tap and rubbed my hands till they were completely covered in white thick soap.  I ran them smoothly through my hair and continued the ritual until my hair was completely standing up; now all it had to do was dry.

Walking contently towards my table, I started on my breakfast. “Food…” Terry said with only his head visible in my doorway. “You can come in Terry, you don’t have to spy on me eating.” I said knowing the kid only talked when it concerned eatable things. “Foo.. Foo..” Terry continued as he just stared at me with big eyes. I had learned over the past months that he never actually answered, but that didn’t stop me from trying to interact with him. Terry was just happy being in his world of food. Even though he never ate more than his own portion, he found it fascinating just watching people eat. Never the less, I got used to the little skinny kid watching me eat every day.  “Seth, can you take Terry with you to the Finnegan’s after you’ve finished eating?” Tilly asked as she walked past my room. “The twins are not going to chop him up and turn him into new pills are they?” I asked giving the biggest smile. “Hahaha, God Seth! Make sure they never hear that.” She commented with a smile as she skipped back off into the hallway.

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