7. Colorful Isolation

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The first morning of isolation I woke up from the throbbing pain in my upper and lower back. I was so tired and just wanted to turn around so I could sleep some more, this preferably without the morning sun shining on my face and stinging my eyes. Sitting for hours on end on a window sill apparently wasn’t the brightest idea. “Great…” I muttered to myself as my body noticed my full bladder brining its discomfort.  The bed was nothing special, however to my sleeping body it felt like a spot in heaven, and it did not want to move even the slightest.

“Aah crap..” I said, rolling over as my back complained while I got out of bed. Slowly slouching towards my little bathroom, my body argued the entire way. I tried to slide open the door since it had no handle, a futile attempt. Confused I looked around and found an intercom next to it. “Seriously! Really now!!” I snapped angry, at the realization I had to ask for permission every time I wanted to use the bathroom. I pushed the button and waited for the beep tone to be replaced by a voice. “Yes, miss Upton?” Tilly Madeline asked. She was a saint compared to Sera.

Tilly had just started working in Forest Hill when Seth and I were transferred in. She tried her best to make us comfortable; we always smiled when she walked through the door. Her playful long bouncing red curls dancing over her face made her stand out like a cherry on a cake. “Can I please go to the bathroom Tilly?” I asked with a happy voice and smile. “Of course Lexie. I will clock in five minutes or won’t that be enough?” she asked.  “I was thinking of take a shower afterwards, so how about thirty minutes?” I pleaded, while thinking this was the most stupid situation ever. “I will give you twenty-five and watch the timer.  After that, the door closes again and if you’re still inside you’ll be in big trouble missy.” She said, with a sarcastic and stern voice. I knew it was true, but at least she kept the fun in ridiculing the rest of the staff.  She did the best mocking voice of Sera, not even Ace or Alice could keep a straight face when she did it.

The door slid open and as the light went on, so did a digital timer with red luminescent dots.  “Twenty-five and counting down.” I grunted annoyed, as I looked around the small room. Besides the toilet, there was a shower and a little basin perfectly architected to optimize its entire user space.  I looked around and to no surprise, everything was white. I discovered that my basin didn’t have a mirror and noted to myself, that I had to watch out with my toothpaste.

Stripping of my sleeping wear that existed out of a pastel blue tang top and matching blue shorts, I stepped in the shower. Turning the shower on still half asleep, I stared up at the showerhead waiting for the water drops to start falling.  Not soon after, I collided with the wall at the first touch of freezing cold water. There I stood like a caged animal in a shower avoiding the water like a cat. Goosebumps took over my entire body, as my teeth chattered uncontrollably. It felt as if I was standing naked in a blizzard. On the upside, I was bright awake now, however not amused.

The steam came and my body relaxed into it. “Ooah soo good…” I moaned as the ecstatic feeling of warm water covered my entire body like silk.  I looked around for soap and shampoo, and found it still standing on the basin. Pissed at the unfortunate situation, I looked angry outside my incubator of heat and relaxation at the bottles.  “One… Two… Three!” I muttered to myself, as I opened the door in order to quickly grab all the bottles and I dove back into the shower.  I looked for the shampoo and dropped all the rest between my feet.  Using a hand full of shampoo I distributed it over my scalp and my long white hair. Such a big task if you had lengthy hair and impossible without conditioner.  The water started to cool down and it had me glancing at the timer. “Four minutes left, Crap!” I said gruntingly, quickly rinsing off the conditioner, body wash and turned off the shower. 

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