14. Burning Feathers

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I looked out onto the snow covered garden and realized I really was going to miss the view. I still couldn’t believe this week went by so fast and that this evening was my last night in solitary.  Never the less I was exited to see Seth again, however sad that I might not be able to go up into the clouds anymore with Zophiel. Sadly in the ‘normal wing’ the night policy stated all doors must remain open at all times and all rooms had to be checked every half to one hour by a staff member on night duty. I figured Zophiel had to have figured out some kind of plan for that, but I had to ask him about that later and try not to forget it with all his distracting kisses. Blushing red at the memory, I felt two lips press against my hair. “How long have you been spying on me Blue Jay?” I said as I turned around and gave him a wide grin. In return I was picked up and spun around the room in his arms bridal style as he planted little kisses on my face. Flushing completely red, my arms flew around his neck and my lips found his. I was so lucky to have finally found someone who made my heart beat into overdrive and who made my inner woman cry out in lust.

Straddling my angel in our favorite face to face sitting position, he rubbed his large warm hands over my bare back.  Leaning in against his touch, I tilted my head back and looked up at the stars; it was so beautiful and unbelievably clear. I felt one of his hands brush my bare chest and I broke out in goose bumps again. I couldn’t help biting my lip as I felt him slowly making circle patterns.  Moaning as my nails dug into his bare back and pulled him closer. His lips brushing against my sensitive skin, the next moment a strand of my hair was flicked behind my bare shoulder. “I love your white hair my little snow queen but they are ruining the great view.” Zophiel said chuckling as he picked up another strand with his lips and swung it over my back. The nipping at my tender skin didn’t stop and I closed my eyes enjoying the luscious sensation. A hard bite and my head tilted back in pleasure as I moaned. “Enjoying yourself Sergeant?” Someone asked angrily and my moan disappeared as my eyes flew open. I stared upside down in shock at two pissed off angels whom were glaring at Zophiel and I. “Let’s start with ripping off your wings, and it will be your lightest punishment compared to all the following.” The angry silver and Sapphire tipped angel said as Zophiel dragged me behind his back.

Zophiel held my hand behind his back, not allowing me to fall. I didn’t understand who these two angels were but I knew Zophiel and I were in trouble. Peeking past my angel’s protective outstretched wings I could make out two very handsome muscular men who were both much larger than Zophiel. This was bad, very bad. The silver sapphire one was the largest and obviously more pissed off then the slightly smaller white winged and Amethyst tipped angel. “My Archangel, I can explain.”Zophiel pleaded, but was cut off by the white angel who hadn’t spoken yet. “Sergeant, you have broken our most sacred rule and for this you must be punished. This unusual situation has only happened once before. And following this precedent, your punishment will be the same. Death. What is your plead?” The white angel said as the silver sapphire tipped angel was slowly growing a ball of fire between his large hands.  

“I plead guilty commander. I will accept whatever punishment you see fit. But please let me return this human to safety before you enact it. She does not have to see this.” Zophiel said clenching my hand tighter. I was in shock, did he just say death? Did my angel just agree to this medieval method? “Enough! Enough with this masquerade, this has gone on far too long. Death is the easy way out for you but before you perish you will know what it means to feel pain.” The archangel roared enraged and suddenly Zophiel’s wings were engulfed by fire. Still in shock I watched my angel fall to his knees and cry out in searing pain as he tightly held onto my hand. A second later and the smell of burning feathers engulf me and tears started rolled down my cheeks. How could he still be thinking of my safety when he was burning up? I couldn’t handle seeing him like this and I was already jumping in front of my angels burning body never letting go of his hand.

“Stop burning him you monster!” I yelled at the very large silver winged Archangel. I felt the heat at my bare back disappear and Zophiel’s screams turned to whimpers. Both angels looked in shock at me and when their faces turned red I realized why. The white flushed angel looked slowly away but the Archangel didn’t and his flushed face turned even redder. I felt my Blue Jay’s head touch my bare back and his two hands slowly moved up and grabbed my two exposed breast in attempt to cover them. The Archangels face turned from flushed to uncontrollable anger as Zophiel’s hands covered over my breast. The huge silver angel launched himself at us and all I could think was, we are done for.

Zophiel held on to me with all his might but the so called Archangel ripped us apart like it was nothing. “Don’t ever touch what’s mine again!!” The silver angel roared at Zophiel as he tossed me in the white angel’s direction. It was no use, I was going to plummet to my death, for the white angels eyes were on the fight and I was already falling out of reach. Falling fast through the icy cold blizzard, I still couldn’t believe that this was how it was going to end for me. Everyone’s faces flashed through my mind; Seth, Phoenix, Issis, Saint Lilly and the only photo of my mum and dad. It seemed I was doomed with the same fate as my mother, dying at a young age covered in blood. “I’m sorry mum.” I whimpered and my tears were ripped away by the wind as my falling speed picked up. The lights of Forest Hill were coming closer and I closed my eyes before impact.

Two strong muscular arms caught me before I plummeted to my death and I noticed it was the white and Amethyst tipped winged angel. “Shhh I got you.” he whispered in my ear as he flew us back up. “Who was that in the photo my lady.” he asked me curious and I just looked puzzled at him. “You’re a memory viewer? It was your fault he got caught?” I demanded very pissed off and I started hitting him in the chest. “Hey hey, stop, I was just doing my job my lady.” He objected as he held my arms in place with one hand and I was about to bite him when he interrupted. “The woman’s name in your picture is it Alexandra?” he asked sadly. I was utterly confused and nothing was making sense. “How the hell do you know my mother?” I demanded in shock. The white angel returned an equally shocked face and turned his head towards the two fighting angels. “EOS! A word, now!!” He yelled as the shock left his face.

So that was the name of the very large silver archangel. Eos looked up and threw Zophiel’s limp body a bit further on an invisible plain. “Hermiel, stop knocking I’m not letting you in my head!” The archangel said as he started walking towards Zophiel again. “Noo, don’t let Eos hurt him!” I pleaded to Hermiel as I punched my fists on his hard muscular chest. “Eosthrathaeus, NOW! Or I’m dropping this human.” Hermiel roared at Eos. The large angel looked at Hermiel and smirked. “Then drop the cargo commander.” Eos spat at Hermiel. This was not good. Not good at all, I didn’t just get saved to be dropped again. Clinging to the white angel didn’t help for he was already peeling me of off him. Hermiel grabbed my wrists in one hand and held me in midair. “Hey Eos.” he said and the archangels head snapped towards my dangling body. “Just cargo right?” Hermiel said with a large grin and then he dropped me.

Falling back down I couldn’t contain my scream and I fell away faster and faster. Not a moment later and I was in the arms of Eos himself. “I’m sorry Alexis, I’m so sorry.” He mumbled against my bare skin as he cradled me closer.  I stared in disbelief at the incredibly handsome angel. I had no idea what was going on but I couldn’t care less about how handsome and sexy he was, or how he even knew my name, all I knew was that he just beat my boyfriend to pulp and almost got me killed twice. “Don’t, don’t even. Just bring me to Zophiel you monster!” I yelled angrily at him and I saw his face crunch up with hurt. With a sad expression he flew us back up to where Hermiel and Zophiel were. “Hermiel grab him and meet me back at my quarters!” Eos said with a stern and pissed off voice. Before I could protest Eos held me tighter and we were flying towards our new destination.


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