Part 1- Daniel Seavey

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Setting: LA

Daniel and you had been dating for 2 whole years by now.  The boys were on a a tour to Tokyo, and you were missing Daniel very much. You were sitting in a room and dreaming about hanging out with Daniel, suddenly you got a call and you were overjoyed that it was Daniel who was calling you. You quickly picked up the phone and said Hi, Daniel somehow couldn't  stop talking,he told you about their whole tour and everything the boys did and how Jack and Zach both wore the same sweatpants and shirt on the same day(#Jachary) . And then he surprised you by saying that the boys were returning tomorrow. You were extremely overjoyed, and then when you heard that Daniel and the boys had made their tour a bit shorter than it was supposed to be for you, you noticed tears running out of your eyes. 

After the phone call cut, you decided to do something special for Daniel after all, he shortened his whole tour for you. You planned to go surprise him in the airport as it was him who usually surprised you by coming to your house directly after landing in LA. So this time you planned to go and meet him yourself!

You were very excited and couldn't wait for tomorrow, neither could you sleep. Through out the night you tried to sleep and then when you managed to sleep the only thing that you dreamt about was Daniel.

The next day as soon as the sun rose, you ran to the bathroom took a bath and wore your jeans and top, Daniel like you wearing simple clothes so that's what you went for, then you ran downstairs. "There are pancakes for breakfast y/n " Y/m called, yum your favourite you thought, but right now reaching on time in the airport was more important, pancakes could wait.

As soon as you reached the airport, you spend 15 minutes looking for Daniel until you finally heard a familiar laugh and then you turned around, but you wanted to surprise him so you stayed behind him the whole time without any of the boys noticing and then all of a sudden you suddenly jumped on his back. "Oh my god, who is that!!" Daniel exclaimed, till now the other boys had realised what you were up to and followed on, Jonah went like "Dani there is a girl on your back and she is very beautiful!", Jack continued" Oh my god she looks so cute, You will have one look at her and then you will give up on y/n. Daniel who didn't realise that it was you all the time said "y/n is the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life and she will be, I am happy with her and I won't even leave her if I find the world's most beautiful women, cause she is the world's most beautiful women for me!"

You were so touched that you couldn't help but stop the joke, you jumped off him, and hugged him tightly, he hugged you back, "OH MY GODDD y/n you came!" he couldn't controlled his happiness and pulled you into another huge hug, "How couldn't I !" you said" after all I deserve to see that cute smile don't I ?" Daniel laughed it was his usual cute laugh, you felt his hand on yours and that felt like it had awakened the whole you, it was a soft warm touch and you realised that he was the only one who could make you feel comfortable in such a way.

 You couldn't resist now, he read your mind as usual and pulled you into a soft and passionate kiss, you kissed back. This was the best moment of you life, it was way worth the loss of pancakes. 

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