Part 9: Jonah Marias

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Jonah's POV

There she walked in the world of misery

opening her eyes she saw a child dying

when she closed them she heard  screams of agony

she ran...

I shut my book for the fifth time this morning, trying to find the perfect lyrics to a song but it was all just useless.

I couldnt come up with any good ideas, it was nonsensical. 

Frustrated, I threw a pillow across the room and flopped across the sofa, sipping my coffee. I made my way towards the window, looking outside for a break whilst trying to find some inspiration. 

When one thing caught my eye, well not exactly a thing more like a girl. She was wearing a white shirt with some jeans and a pink cardigan. For some reason, she looked different from the rest of the world. 

Everyone seemed busy, rushing to work, stopping for a chat and rushing back and forth, but she seemed relaxed, it was like nothing was bothering her. She walked to a rythym, and I could not make it out that well; but she was mostly smiling. 

I hadn't  seen anyone as beautiful as her in my entire life. A smile made its way to my face even looking to her. It was like she was my stress buster. 

Funny, how  just in a minute, I felt like I had known her for my entire life. 

I rushed down, in no time but she was gone. I rushed and looked around but she was nowhere, with a sigh I headed back up. 

Tired, I made my way towards the bed for a nap, fiddling with my phone ; and thats when I came across this advertisement. 

Lea's POV

"GOOOOOD MORNINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" I heard mom's overexcited voice wake me up, "You gotta get up quick sweety, you are getting late for work" she nearly shouted

I knew I needed to hurry  but hey, I place sleep first in all my priorities. 

"UHG &%&'%$(**** " I murmered

"LANGUAGEEE" she shouted even louder, by this time I was probably wide awake, considering the living siren my mom was, does someone fit a loudspeaker into her throat or what. 

Like hey, I love that lady but it can be a bit annoying. 

I quickly rushed to the bath slipping on a white shirt and some jeans as I grabbed my lucky cardigan, for a good day at work.

See, it wasn't like I really believed in all of this but, this is the way I see it. 

If you want to believe in something just do it, maybe it wont work for real but its always nice to have something to rely on or believe in you know. Who does it hurt?

I quickly wore my converse, while stuffing a apple in my mouth and rushed, towards my office. 

I am a music director/composer. 

Currently, I have been trying to find someone with the perfect charm and voice but no luck, atleast I hope today will be some better. 

I walked across the streets while listening to music, it always made me happy while walking with the rythym . 

When I reached, I made my way towards my cabin and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen settling myself down to write a good song. 

I was starting to get some ideas when a knock on the door distracted me, I opened it to see my assistant. 

"Hey Lea, I have some people coming here for the audition you have been holding for the new song. "

"Oh yeah, sure I'll be right there" I said, I was excited but also worried I was running out of time and had to find someone for the song. And I also had to start writing it.

 Hey, don't judge me,  lack of inspiration and lots of procrastination. 

As I sat down, many singers made their way to the small stage, some of them were really good while some needed improvement. But I couldn't find the person I was looking for, I needed the charm, the voice, the depth. 

I sighed as a few hours passed, it was good that my advertisement had made its way towards so many people and how so many of them wanted to try but I needed someone really deserving. 

I had begun to loose hope when he walked in. 

Ok, I know I was doing some serious auditioning here but, I couldn't help but stare, he was so perfect, his eyes, his hair his jawline damn. 

Ok, don't get distracted Lea, this is a singing audition not an modelling one. Even if he was one of the best looking guys out there I wasn't going to choose anyone based on their looks. 

His eyes met mine, and our gazed locked for a few seconds when I suddenly looked down, and gestured towards him to start. 

I wasnt trying to make this sound cliche, but words couldn't describe how is voice sounded, it looked like he meant each and every word of the lyrics, his eyes explaining everything, his body langouage his expressions were perfect. I could feel my heart screaming to me, saying "HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE"

When he was done I stood up and started to clap, as a smile made its way towards my face, I made my way towards him and held my hand out congratulating him. 

He shook my hand, his hand carefully enveloped mine he, the touch sending tingles all over me. It felt like what I used to write in my songs. 

"Thank you so much Ms. ?" he said. 

"You can call me Lea", I smiled

"Hi, Lea I am Jonah Marias"

And what I did next was extremely stupid

"You are the chosen one Jonah Marias" I said

Guessing he got my reference he let out a laugh. 

"you like Harry Potter?" he asked

"Ofcourse, a complete muggle wouldn't" I replied. 

"Arent we all practically muggles?" Jonah asked teasingly

"Well there is a bit of magic in all of us" I said.

We both looked into each other's eyes and smiled, noticing his hands were still holding mine I blushed. 

He leaned down to kiss me, maybe it was a bit too fast we didnt know each other at all but looking at him I felt like I had known him since ever. 

His soft lips touched mine, as we kissed in sync. 

Next thing I knew we were in the recording room, and he was singing my song. I had gotten the lyrics, he was the inspiration I needed. 

I looked up towards him as he started the song;

"There is a bit of magic in all of us....

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