Part 6: Jack Avery (Continued)

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And surprisingly he was sitting
Not beside me

But on MY seat


And then he smirked.
I may have said that out loud

"Yes princess ?"
Ok I did
But seriously ,princess ?

"Excuse me, could you please shift you are sitting on MY seat" I said

"Your seat? I don't see your name here princess"

"It's written look " I said pointing at my desk.

"Well I don't know your name, so it's not written here for me, who knew it could be someone else's name?"

"Arghhhhh, it's mineeee"

He was just annoying me for no god damn reason

"Move this is my seat"

" What's the magic word princess"


"Nope the other one"


"Jack Avery is hot"

"I am not saying that."



"You fell for that princess"

"I didn't "
"You did"
"N-Arghhhhh fine"

I stomped off to one of the worst seats in the class ;right in the middle, well my wonderful seat by the window was take by Jack Avery.

Suddenly, when I looked behind, I saw him walking towards me, for a second, I though he was walking towards someone else, but when I saw his eyes staring into mine, I managed to convince myself that it was him.

He had his bag flunged across his shoulder, his curly hair flowing with the wind, his beautiful nose ring, his handsome face.

Arghhhhh stop.

And then the most unbelievable thing happened...

"I said s-o-r-r-y" he said speaking as if he was talking to a few he year old.
"I heard that, it's just so unbelievable"
"Well now you can go make to your seat before I change my mind princess."

I scurried back to my seat and then he shouted from across the class

"Don't I deserve a thanks"

The entire class stared at me , I felt the color rise up to my cheeks. While Jack just embarrassed me more.

"Come on Princess, say thanks,say thanks,say thanks, say thanks, sa-"

"Argh fine thanks"

The class got over after what seemed like forever.

While walking out of the class I saw Jack Avery leaning against his locker and using his phone, I gave him a angry glare and I was pretty sure he didn't notice me, but then I felt two hands grab my waist.

"Nobody glares at me princess" he whispers into my ear sending tingles down my body.

"Well I do" I say

"Tell me how I shut that little smart mouth of yours"

I open my mouth for another snappy comeback but I am interrupted with the feel of his lips on mine, a part of me tells me to push him away, but the other part urges me to kiss him back.

Ok so I just decided to kiss him back.

We stop after what it seems like 2 seconds, even though I am pretty sure it was way longer than that.

He stares down into my eyes, and I feel the color rise up to my cheeks.

"You are beautiful" he murmurs while are forheads touch each other.

"I love you, I really do"
After trying very hard to process the words in my mind and revising my a b c d, and after I learn how to speak again.

"How, why.."
Wow the best thing you could say Kate.

"The first day of school this year, when I saw you, I knew that I was talking, I was falling hard for you Kate. The way your eyes lightened up when you laugh, the way you scrunch up your nose when you are sad, the way you jump up and down whenever you are happy, and the way you be you."

No one has ever said something so nice to me. Ever.

"Then why do you hook up with other girls, why do have girls as your one night stand, why do-"

"Because I need to get attention Kate, not anyone's, yours." he's says cutting me off.

"Well, you already had it." I reply truthfully.

"I promise to never touch or even look at any other girl in the wrong way, if you are mine."

"Well if that's so I am yours Jack"

"I love you"

And then suddenly he stopped

"Say that again.."

"I said I love you Jack Aveey, I love you with all my heart"

He then smiles this huge boyish goofy smile which literally makes me melt.

Then he leans down and kisses me.

For a second I am shocked and then I kiss him back loving the feeling of his soft lips on mine, our lips move in sync, and are kiss becomes more passionate.

When we stop he gently pulls away, he placed his forehead on mine, while we both pant with the force of the kiss.

Then I realize that we both are smiling, and somehow are smiles tell us that we are there for each other, forever.

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