Part 4: Zach Herron

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It was your first day at college not practically as you had to leave your last college during the mid-terms, but anyways, instead of feeling what a normal person wold have felt on their first day , you felt dull, horrible and hopeless. 

Its not like you had any good friends there either so you were okay and thankful that you would not get to see Megan each and every day. You dumped your new notebooks, files and binders into your bag, dang it was heavy but you knew you could just dump it into your locker later on.

You caught the bus, checking its route at least 5 times cause you already had experience getting on the wrong train many times, you sat in there plugged in your earplugs and listened to random songs (not in my case, my playlist is full of WDW #wdw4life<3) . 

When you reached you grabbed your phone it was nearly about to tumble down, and then you search for your college "Evergreen university " on google maps. Luckily, you didn't get lost and reached college on time. Everything was going fine till now you thought, you just hoped for the rest of the day to go normally.

When you entered the college building, you had no idea about where to go, everyone seemed to be minding their own business, they all were chatting in front of their lockers, some were sitting on the couch, you just planned to keep on walking until you banged into a guy, he had extremely rosy cheeks, and had a extremely hot jawline, oof  you thought what am I thinking!

Your first day and there you were banging onto a random stranger, you recovered you senses and said " I am so, sorry I didn't sort of notice you" you thought that that guy would just say its ok and walk on but instead he smile and said "Hi, I am Zach, I have never seen you before!" "Ya, I am new here." "Oh you look troubled, need some help ?" you thought on just saying No thank you but you did need some help so you asked him "Umm...Do you know where is the homeroom for the second-years?" you asked, "Oh, so you are a second-year, luckily, so am I! Come, I will walk you to homeroom. " Oh ok, thanks" you said. "My pleasure" he replied while grinning. 

While you walked he said "soo....whats your name?" Oh shit you had completely forgotten "I am y/n" " is it going so far?" he asked "Eh, pretty good" well it was, until you saw MEGAN. You nearly fainted.


"Hi, how's life going, I heard that they are selling lives in the mall nearby, you just go and get one" Megan said." She probably doesn't have enough allowance to spend on such a thing like a brain, otherwise she would have bought it already."  her friend continued. You felt tears running out of your eyes, and you could only feel your legs carrying you as far as they could, "There goes the crybaby "  Megan said. This made you cry more. You put your head inside your locker to hide you tears, no one was yours, everyone laughed at you and you grabbed your bag and rushed home. 


Now you got so embarrassed as you realised that you were nearly in Zach's arms and he had a confused but concerned expression on his face "Are you okay, y/n?" he asked, "Ya, I think so " you replied. " Come on, we are getting late for homeroom! "You hurried behind him and went straight into your class.

It was nothing very special, it was very much like your old homeroom, so you were pretty comfortable. Until Megan walked in, this time you tried and hold yourself from fainting. "Oh Hi, look who is here!" She said. You were extremely tense by now, you could feel the warmth all of your forehead, running down towards your body.

She punched you hard on your back, and you felt your spit come out of your mouth, then she knocked down your glasses, and kicked you so hard that you fell on the ground. You had your lip bleeding and your face, hands and legs were badly bruised, you started to cry but before you could go any further. Zach came up and asked you what had happened you had no choice but to explain, the whole "Megan problem" "ohhhh" he said" Don't worry, now that I am here I will assure that she doesn't harm or anything from next time" 

You smiled and the chronicles collapsed when a guy pushed him into you and instead of pulling away,you both realised that you liked the feeling of each other, and just stood like that, in the mean time you realised that his lips were on yours and you were constantly kissing. It wasn't a wild or a harsh kiss, but it was a sweet and soft one, surprisingly this was your first kiss, and  Oh you did enjoy it! 

Words couldn't explain what happened next(Eeeekk *cringes* not thattt:/ ) he knelt down and proposed you in front of half of the college which was staring at you guys. " I love you y/n" he said, " I love you too, Zach" you muttered.You felt tears of joy, you belonged to someone at last. Things did happened too fast but it was better than things just slowing down and not happening you thought, as you both walked proudly hand in hand across the corridor . You liked the feeling of his warm hand over yours, and you hoped that it was always yours:)

Word count: 961

(Geez this one actually sucked, Imma not very talented, anyway hope you enjoy it, and wait for the next one-shot its gonna be there in no time!)

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