Part 8: Jack Avery and Zach Herron ;)

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Zachs pov

3 years.

3 years since Jack left.

3 year of misery of pain, of undeniable depression.

3 years.

All I wanted in my life was him, to spend each and every second with him, I got myself to attached and ended up with this.

But even after three years I cant deny it.

I still love him.

There is a knock on the door of my small box sized apartment distracting me from my thoughts;

I open it, and see Reece, she quickly hugs me causing me to suddenly fall backwards, I am about to crash into the ground when a hand supports my back. 

I look ahead to see Jack, the same curly hair, the nose ring, the rosy lips, the same Jack I fell in love with. 

My face fills with clouds of curiousness; noticing my expression, Jack speaks;

"I was heading back from Tokyo and then met Reece (Zachs lil sis), in  grocery store in which I stopped by so I planned to drop her here. "

That voice, the same voice, it flooded my mind with all the memories; when we sang togather, his melodious voice filling mine in, and how we created the perfect harmonies before he left forever. 

I cant reply so I gesture him to sit on the couch, while Reece makes her way towards the kitchen;

"Hey" I muster up courage to say this word

"Hey Zach, how are you doing"

"How do you think I am doing, Jack." I reply

I hear Jack sighing, "Zach I am sorry"

This the point where I just cant hold it in anymore

" Are you really Jack, when you left for somehwere without telling any of us, when you kissed me and told me to that you loved me right before you left, you broke my heart and more than that our band. Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel were so broken after you left. Did you even think what we would ever be without you? No you didnt, all you did was pack your bags and run away for what? I dont know, cause I never mattered to you so much that you would even tell me" by this time tears had started running from my eyes, my face shivered and my eyes were bloodshot red.

I looked at Jack, and tears started to run from his eyes too, how much ever I hated him for leaving us, I had urges to wipe the tears from his eyes.

"Zach I-"

He sounded so broken his lips shivering, as he mustered up courage to speak. 

"Zach, I really am sorry, I knew leaving would hurt you all very much, but I had no choice, the reason I left was because, I found out, about a guy who hurt Sydnie, once I found out I had to leave immediately also there was this guy spreading these rumours about me dating Loriana; which never happened Zach, you know these random people creating fake news and photoshop edits, thats what you saw, once I left I couldnt never fill in the empty space and come back I was afraid to see you like this, but the truth is; Zach Herron, that I still love every single inch of you, when I first saw you till now, I could never stop thinking about you. You mean the world to me and as soon as I realized that I couldnt live without you I came back; I had to."

Tears flooded from both of our eyes, while he stepped in closer and crashed his lips into mine; oh how good it felt words cant describe this was something I had been waiting for, for three whole years, the taste of his sweet lips on mine, we both kissed in perfect synchornization, to be distracted by Reece.

Who stood there smirking, "Reeceee" I said my cheeks turning to a slight shade of red. While Jack laughed, Reece took this as a chance to run, while I went behind to catch her. 

She giggled as I caught her, Jack made his way to me and pecked my lips.

I never felt this warm and content. 

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