15. Who's David?

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                                                       Who's David?

                                         Some guy who lives next door

                               So go live in the house of David if you like

                            But be sure he don't know Peter, John or Mike

Lily's P.O.V

Chinese food is good. I mean real good. Like, I could sit here forever and eat this type of good. The only other food I feel like that about is white chocolate cookies with rasberry's and flapjacks. And cheese.

After stuffing myself full with prawn crackers, chicken curry and god knows what else, I rested my head against the window on the bus, letting my stomach digest all of the goodness I had just shovelled into it, or as my mother would call it: 'Food from Satan himself'. Personally I think she goes a tad bit far with her takeout food hatred but if thats her opinion, who am I to judge?

"I. Can't. Eat. Any. More." Jasmine groaned from her space on the couch beside Niall. The two of them were looking pretty cosy together considering they had just met. Her long legs were lying on top of his, her head resting again the arm rest on the couch, while he was massaging her feet with his hands after losing a bet with Jasmine that he couldn't fit more than four chicken balls in his mouth. He lost, but didn't seem that bothered about it by the looks of it.

"Neither can I," Harry said, stiffling a yawn. "Why the hell did we even buy so much? There's only four of us," 

"Yeah, that was stupid." Jasmine agreed.

"You usually have to get food for the whole band, plus Eleanor and Danielle, and who ever else you have on this bus of yours," I laughed.

"Thats is true," Niall said, looking as if he was about to burst, not exactly suprising after the amount of food he ate. How is he not obese?

Jasmine was obviously thinking the same thing, and unlike me, she decided to voice her opinion on Niall's overeating. "You really should be fat you know, like Samuel Kidd fat." she said 

"Samuel Kidd?" Harry asked Jasmine beofre looking at me then turning back to her. "Care to elaborate?"

"Oh right, I forgot you two don't actually know us," Jasmine giggled before continuing. "Samuel Kidd was this guy is Lily's English class, and he was fat. Not  like curvy fat or muscular fat, just pure fat. Like a meatball. Or a rock cacke, or a-"

"Jas could you get to the point?" I asked her picking up on the fact that Niall and Harry were looking more confused by the second.

"There is no point, I'm just saying the Samuel Kidd was a fat boy."

"That's mean." I scolded her thanking the lord that Samuel Kidd was not in the centre of London to hear our conversation on his weight.

"Thats the truth," Jasmine replied "The truths mean," 

"I think it's you thats mean," I told her holding in a laugh.

"Now that was mean,"

"But you love me" I giggled

"True dat," she replied in the ganster voice that always managed to make us both erupt into a fit of giggles.

All the while our pointless conversation was taking place, Harry and Niall were looking back and forth between Jasmine and I with confused expressions gracing there faces. 

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