20. This Kiss

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No need to fear my beautiful readers, this is NOT the last chapter. There's going to be at least another five, maybe ten, PLUS an Epilogue. Am I good to you or what? I hope to have this finished by Christmas but knowing me you could have a good year long wait. Totally kidding about that for those of you who haven't picked up on my sarcasm over the past few months or for those of you who are just really gullible. Sozzzzzz if I just offended someone, it happens.

So I guess what I'm actually saying is this is not the end! There is more to come from Harry and Lily and the rest of the gang so don't give up on me yet please :-)

Oooooh. And listen to the song This Kiss by Faith Hill. It's just so incredibly sweet and cute and lovely and adorable and awesome!

Dedicated to my 150th fan FlamingFlamingos


                                            It's the way you love me,

                                               It's a feeling like this,

                                             It's centrifugal motion,

                                                It's perpetutal bliss

                                           It's that pivotal moment,

                                                    It's subliminal,

                                                This kiss, this kiss,


                                                This kiss, this kiss

Lily's P.O.V

I am going to kill Jasmine. I am going to make her die a slow and painful death. I'm going to drop her to the bottom of the ocean, throw her into a volcano, push her of a cliff, feed her to crocodiles...

The list goes on.

You're probably wondering why exactly I'm going to kill my ex best friend. It's not exactly hard to figure out considering she has a track record for this sort of thing.

That's right, you guessed it. Jasmine has once again managed to walk in on Harry and I's possible first kiss.

Now do I get permission to kill her?

"I am so sorry!" she gasped when she saw Harry's lips only millimetres away from mine. I saw Harry's mouth quirk up into a smile at my reaction to Jasmine's intrusion, a sharp in take of breath before turning to her to give her a glare, something she was getting a lot of lately.

"Sorry!" she repeated again, now backing out of the room and shutting the door behind her with a soft thud.

I repeat; a slow and painful death.

"Is she against us kissing or something?" Harry asked me, leaning back in his chair while running his hand through his hair with exhaustion. 

"Seems like it," I said through gritted teeth. 

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