Chapter 21 Erik's pov

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I was pacing outside the door. Daroga was sitting on the couch watching me. He bore a look of concern.

"Erik, sit down. Everything will be alright."

A shriek came from our bedroom. I couldn't take it.

"Daroga. My wife and unborn child are in there! Either one of them could be hurt in this process! Daroga, that is Chrisine. My Christine, the only woman I have and will ever love."

I shouted at him. I was angry.I was stressed. I was terrified. The hours seemed to fly by. Daroga moved about the place. Getting food, reading, playing music until I yelled at him. All this time I paced outside the door. Every now and then I would hear Christine shriek in agony. I would fall to my knees. It hurt to hear her in pain, and know there was not a single thing I could do about it. Eventually we all heard music from upstairs. I had forgotten that the opera house was reopening tonight.


Erik, what do you need?

Will you please go to box five? See if it's empty? If so check for an envelope. Bring it with you alright?

Of course."

He clapped me on the shoulder and I watched him dart across the lake. I continued to pace. Christine started to Shriek over and over. I pounded on the door, Mina had locked it.

"Christine? Mina? What's going on!? Is everything all right?

Every thing is fine Erik!"

Mina called through the door and Christine screamed again. I fell to my knees and pressed my palms to the door. My hands were shaking and the tears were spilling. My poor Christine. The shrieks continued and I sobbed harder and harder.


Daroga whispered behind me. I jumped and turned to him. There was sadness in his eyes. He held an envelope in his hand. The fool has been obedient that's for sure.

"Just put it on my desk."

I sniffled and turned back to the door. Another shriek, paired with another sob.

"Erik, it sounds much worse than it is.

How would you know?"

I spit at him. He put a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off.

"Erik. I have heard childbirth. I've even seen it before. Yes, she's in pain but she will make it. Christine is strong. She has been through a lot. Childbirth should be nothing for her."

I looked up at him and rested against the door. The shrieking became louder. I cringed. She let out one last scream. I heard small moans and the soft cries of an infant. Daroga and I exchanged glances. We both stood up and the door clicked open.

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