Chapter 24; Christine's POV

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I woke up to Gustave's tiny whimpering. Erik moaned into my ear. We both rubbed our eyes and sat up. I blinked a few times and started to get up. Erik stopped me and went over to the bassinet. I watched as he sleepily picked Gustave up and brought him to me. He was hungry. I started feeding him and humming his lullaby. Erik smiled a sleepy smile and started to sing. I put my head against his shoulder. My eyes started to droop.

"Christine stay awake.

I am awake, I'm just resting my eyes."

I muttered. He smiled and kissed my cheek. Gustave finished eating and I started to rock him in my arms. Erik's singing faded into his soft snores. I sighed and continued to rock Gustave. As I rocked him I hummed the lullaby Erik had composed for him. After a minute or two Gustave fell asleep. His small pink lips parted and he made tiny gurgling noises. I gently put him back in his bassinet and climbed back into bed. I pressed myself against Erik's chest. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"I'm sorry.

It's alright."

He pulled me close to him and kissed me. We both closed our eyes and drifted to sleep.


It was about eight o'clock when I woke up. Erik was coddling Gustave and smiling at him. I gave them both a sleepy smile.

"Did we wake you?

No of course not.

Good. I was just going to take him into the other room. He needs to be changed, then you can feel him.

Alright. I'll change him Erik.

No, you're exhausted."

He was right, I was extremely tired. But Gustave's needs came before mine.

"I'm fine Erik."

Before I could protest further he stood up and carried Gustave to the other room. I stretched and sat up. My joints popped and cracked. It felt wonderful. Erik reentered with a freshly changed Gustave. I took him from him as he sat down.

"Hello there, are you hungry?


Erik chuckled. I made a face at him. I started to feed Gustave and Erik caressed my face with his fingertips. He kissed the edge of my lips and smiled at me. Such a tease. I leaned in and kissed him tenderly. After a moment I broke the kiss and licked my lips. Erik blushed as I did this. Gustave finished eating and I stood up with him in my arms. I went to the front room and Erik trailed behind me. Mina had breakfast made. Bacon, sausage, eggs, tea and toast. It smelled delightful.

"Good morning!

Morning. That smells delicious!

It does Mina.

Thank you. Christine, are you ready to go dress shopping today?

I am.

Good! I'll take Gustave and get him ready, you eat. Okay? As soon as you're ready we can leave.


I handed Gustave to her and sat down at the table. Erik sat across from me, and Daroga next to him. Erik served me a portion of breakfast. I smiled and thanked him. We all ate and chatted happily. I didn't finish my food, whenever Erik served me he served me too much. I disposed of the food I didn't plan on eating, kissed Erik and went to get ready. I put on a simple dress, a cloak and shoes. I got the stroller from the nursery and went to front room. Mina handed me Gustave and took the stroller.

"We'll be back soon.


Have fun."

Erik kissed Gustave on the head and kissed me passionately.

"Don't miss us too much.

I will."

He kissed my forehead and Mina and I left.

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