New Teacher

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Todoroki POV

I walked into class twenty minutes early as usual. During the year I'd spend this time making sure I had no mistakes on any homework I had. Father expected me to be the best at everything. It was unthinkable to get anything less than one hundred percent. I was in my final year at UA High, and I couldn't afford to mess up now. Being as it was the first day of a new year, I'd use this time to get myself situated and make a good impression.

I just had to get through this year, and then I'd be out from under my fathers thumb. I'd finally be able to live my life how I wanted. Not that I was really sure what I wanted. My fathers expectations had left me with only one friend and no hobbies. I wasn't even sure what I actually liked. All my life had been spent making sure father got what he wanted.

I subtly ran a finger over the scar on my left eye. I'd learned at a young age not to go against my fathers wishes. Once I turned eighteen and graduated high school I could leave. This year would be my first taste of freedom, since third years were required to live in the dorms on campus. The school wanted to make sure this final year was spent preparing us for the world and our future job as heroes.

The girls in the class were whispering and giggling together as I made my way to my desk. I sat in back just like I had every year. They seemed to be really excited about something. I didn't understand girls. They were too emotional and dramatic. I didn't have the time to sort through their complex emotions. Not that I had had time to date or even the inclination.

I guess I wasn't your typical teenage boy. Sex and relationships were the furthest thing from my mind. I didn't have the time or energy needed for such things. There were more important things in life. My studies came first. So at seventeen, not only was I a virgin, I'd never even been kissed.

"Hey! Did you hear?" A familiar voice said excitedly.

I looked up from arranging my notebook and pencils on my desk, to see my only friend Momo Yaoyorozu standing in front of me. Her long black hair was in a high ponytail and her dark eyes shimmered in excitement.

"Did I hear what?"

I didn't really care but I tried to humor her when I could. She was the only friend I had. The only one who even tried to get past my carefully controlled demeanor. Most thought I was way too serious for a teenage boy. I didn't play pranks or hang out with other people my age. I was completely focused on my studies.

"We have a new teacher! He's a pro and he's going to be teaching us about how to better use our quirks! Oh and he's HOT!"

I blinked slowly at her. As long as he knew what he was doing, his physical appearance didn't matter. Besides he was a teacher.

"Oh. Ok."


Momo's voice held annoyance as she glared at me. I didn't understand why she was upset. I didn't recall doing anything. I didn't understand why everyone was so excited.


"Oh Shoto."

She looked at me sadly and shook her head.

"Your dad really did a number on you. I was hoping you'd get a little more in touch with your emotions over the summer, but I can see that didn't happen."

She leaned over and hugged me as I stared at her in confusion. What had I done? Did I not respond in the appropriate way? Just then, the classroom door opened with a bang.

"I want butts in seats! Move it!"

In walked what must have been our new teacher. He was tall and fair skinned. His blonde hair was in spikes and he had a scowl on his face. His crimson eyes scanned the room as he marched to the front of the class. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a white collared shirt. His red tie was loose around his neck and his sleeves were rolled up.

He looked to be in excellent physical condition and his body was proportionate. I watched as he wrote his name on the board then turned back towards us.

"Names Katsuki Bakugou and I'll be your new teacher. Be prepared to train hard. I'm going to work you until you cry to prepare you both mentally and physically for the world outside these walls. I will not accept slacking in this class. Anyone who I think isn't working hard enough, will be expelled. Ya got me?"

He smirked as he made eye contact with everyone in the room. When his eyes met mine, my heart began to race. I felt the world fall away and there was just him and I. What was this feeling? Was I getting sick on the first day? His eyes moved away and I felt like I could breathe again. I let out a sigh and hoped that whatever sickness was trying to get ahold of me didn't stay long.

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