Ice Prince

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Bakugou POV

It was the start of a new day. The first day that I would be back at my old school. Except this time, I'd be teaching. UA High. I didn't think I'd ever come back here. There were some good memories I had of that school, but plenty of bad too.


I glanced at my phone and sighed when I saw the display. What could he possibly want so early in the morning? I knew if I didn't answer, he'd just keep calling.


"Is that any way to answer your phone Bakubro?"

I sighed again and pinched the bridge of my nose. Can you belive I used to be in love with this idiot? But that was a long time ago. Uraraka confessed and I didn't. Now they are happily married with an adorable little boy and another kid on the way.

"What are you calling so early in the morning for? Ura ok? Asahi?" I immediately start to panic.

"No. No. Everythings fine. I just wanted to wish you good luck today! Although, I can't believe they are letting you teach kids."

Kirishima let out a chuckle, making me roll my eyes.

"Hey! I'm not that bad. Little Asahi seems to like me well enough."

"He's your godson. Of course he likes you. Let's get together tonight so you can tell us how it goes. Dinner at my place?"

"Yeah sure. I'll see ya later."

I ran my hand through my blonde hair before getting dressed for the day.


There was a bunch of useless chattering going on in the classroom so I threw open the door with a bang. I enjoyed making an entrance.

"I want butts in seats! Move it!"

The kids scattered appropriately as I walked up to the board. I wrote my name quickly then turned back to the students.

"Names Katsuki Bakugou and I'll be your new teacher. Be prepared to train hard. I'm going to work you until you cry to prepare you both mentally and physically for the world outside these walls. I will not accept slacking in this class. Anyone who I think isn't working hard enough, will be expelled. Ya got me?"

I had to be harsh. There was no room in this world for weakness. If I didn't prepare them, then the first villain they came across would most likely kill them. You had to be both mentally and physically strong to survive. If they couldn't even handle a few harsh words, then they didn't deserve to be heroes.

I made sure to meet the eyes of every person in the class room. Most of them looked scared, some just determined, but there was one who caught my eye above the rest. He was beautiful. My breath caught in my throat as I met his heterochromatic eyes. One eye was a steely grey and the other the blue of the sky. Even his hair was split perfectly down the middle. His left side was a fiery red and the right side was silver.

He had a burn over his left eye that was partially covered by his hair. I wondered what happened to him. He had high cheekbones and gracefully arched brows. His jaw was strong and narrow. His lips a perfect cupids bow and a rosy pink. I realized I was still staring and broke eye contact.

What the FUCK!? First day as a teacher and I was mooning over some punk kid. This was going to be a long fucking day. I took attendance quickly then decided to put the students into groups so I could see what kind of quirks they had and how strong they were.

So the icy prince's name was Shoto Todoroki? Couldn't possibly be that old bastard Enji's kid. If so I pitied him. Enji was a fucking asshole. He didn't care about anyone or anything. And yeah some people compared us, but I was nothing like him. No I didn't have many friends, but I was loyal to the ones who got through my tough exterior. I didn't like to play games. It was best to weed out the ones who wouldn't stick around before you got close to them.

I subtly watched Shoto throughout the day. Every physical test I put them through, he came out on top. He was stronger, faster, and more controlled than anyone in his class. Plus it didn't seem like he let his emotions interfere with his training. I put him against Momo who seemed the most friendly with him, and he had no trouble putting her in her place.

The only thing he seemed to struggle with was focus. He would often stare into space. It was like he was completely disconnected from what happened around him. Yes he was incredibly powerful, but without proper focus, he wouldn't know when to use that power. When class ended I called him to the side.

"You have a lot of strength but you lack focus. I'm going to recommend some after school focusing classes. And there is a training camp I'm leading. Just get your parents to sign the permission slip as it will be held off of school grounds."

He looked up at me, fear in his eyes. Then he seemed to just close himself off. All expression melted off his face. He looked away and nodded.

"Ok. If you think that's best."

His voice was smooth like chocolate. The kind of voice that would make you shiver as they whispered dirty things to you. FUCK! I could not think that way about a student. They were completely off limits. Obviously I needed to get laid. I patted him on the shoulder and sent him on his way. As I watched him walk away, I couldn't help but admire his physique.

He was nearly as tall as I was. Broad shoulders led down a strong back that sloped into a well rounded ass. Long muscular legs incased in tight uniform pants. I bit my lip as I gazed at him. Damnit! Yep. Definitely needed to get laid. That was the only reason I could possibly be ogling this kid.

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