Losing Focus

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Todoroki POV

I wanted to scream in frustration. I was so close. But I'd let my guard down. How could I have let myself drift like that? I had plenty of focus. I just lost sight for a minute. And now my dad would pull back on the reins. I sighed and made my way over to the dorms.

There were a few students sitting in the common area watching some movie. I tilted my head at their greeting and made my way up to my room. Unlike most of the students in the dorm, my room was bare. It had a single bed, a dresser, and a desk for studying. The only thing I'd added was a bookcase, housing a multitude of books on different battle strategies and fighting techniques.

I'd already read each one at my fathers insistence. They would make me the best. I did everything he asked of me, no matter the pieces of myself I lost in the process. I was tired though. I just wanted something of my own. Sadly, I wouldn't know how to get it, even if I could figure out what I wanted.

I had nonexistent social skills. I didn't know how to make small talk or "relax". My father had molded me into a perfect machine. An emotionless, friendless, powerful being who took orders well. Or so he thought. I had emotions, I just didn't know how to process most of them.

No one had taught me how. So when I started to get overwhelmed by them I just buried them away. A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come in."

Momo poked her head in, looking at me in concern.

"You ok? What did sensei want?"

"It was nothing. He just suggested I start doing after school focusing classes."

Momo frowned at me before walking into the room fully.

"He thinks YOU need help with focus?!" Her voice was filled with outrage.

"I guess I let my mind wander a bit during class. It's ok. It will help me be a better hero anyway."

"What's your dad gonna say?"

I felt my breath hitch. I didn't want to think about that right now. He would be furious. I'd never lost focus before. He would assume it was due to the fact that I was in the dorms, away from him. And in part he'd be right. I had been thinking about the taste of freedom I was getting. But I'd also been thinking about my future, and what would happen after graduation.

Momo took pity on me and grabbed my hand, dragging me from my bed.

"Where are we going?"

"Downstairs. I'm sure you forgot to eat again."


She clicked her tongue at me before dragging me down the stairs. She had a secret claustrophobia so we never took the elevator. She led me to the kitchen and sat me at the counter while she scrounged in the cupboards. She pulled out a few things then went to the fridge.

Another student walked in as she was bent looking into the fridge. He must not have noticed me, because he walked right up to her and slapped her on the butt. She stood up with a gasp and turned to smack him. He grabbed her hands and pressed her against the fridge. She cringed and tried to push him away. But her quirk was creation so she wasn't physically strong.

I didn't really understand what was going on, but I knew she was upset so I got up and placed my hand on the students shoulder.

"She doesn't want you to do that, so let her go." My voice was firm and unwavering.

The student pushed her down and turned towards me. I finally recognized him as that guy from 1-B. I struggled to come up with his name.

"No one asked you, halfie! Why don't you go back to your room and cry, daddy's boy!"

It wasn't so much the words, or even how he said them, I just had a bad day and he was the last straw. It probably wasn't good that I bottled my emotions so much. I felt my right side become incased in ice. I let out a breath, trying to calm myself.

"Oh the robot is gonna stand up for himself." And the guy began to chuckle.

"Monoma! Don't antagonize him! Can't you see he's about to lose it?" Momo tried to get the guy to leave, but he was resistant.

"As if. This guy is an emotionless-"

"Todoroki NO!"

I could barely hear her. Her words were lost to my sudden fury. Monoma's eyes widened and fear filled him as my right side was engulfed in flames. I lifted my hand towards him and he grabbed my left arm quickly. His quirk was borrowing other peoples quirks. He began to incase himself in my ice, trying to protect himself from me.

This was the angriest I had ever been. Most of the time I could control my self, my fire was too dangerous. I lifted my right arm and began to stream fire all around him.

"Someone get sensei!"

I couldn't hear anymore. I was lost to the power of the flames. Flames began to engulf the whole kitchen. The cabinets caught fire and my flames were slowly beginning to melt Monomos ice shield. I was horrified at what I was doing, but I didn't know how to stop myself.

"The FUCK is going on here?"

Somehow, that voice penetrated the darkness of my mind. It brought clarity and peace. A hand gripped the shoulder incased in ice and I slowly relaxed. My fire extinguished and the ice melted off my arm. I turned to look at my rescuer. It was sensei. I met his crimson eyes and felt a fluttery sensation in the pit of my stomach.

"You, come with me. Everyone else, get this place cleaned up."

He grabbed my wrist and began dragging me from the room. We'd made it outside before I thought to question him.

"Where are we going?"

"I've got somewhere to be, so you can explain what happened on the way."

"Please don't tell my father!"

I hadn't asked for anything since I was a child. But such a loss of control today was sure to bring strict punishment. I was terrified of what my father would do to me. I felt tears leak from the corners of my eyes. I looked away and tried to wipe them from my eyes. He grabbed my chin, and made me look up at him. He seemed to search my eyes for something.

I felt that fluttery sensation again and let out a shaky breath. He nodded before letting me go.

"Ok kid. But the explanation better be damn good."

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