Love Conquers All

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Bakugou POV

I followed behind Nezu to his office. I wasn't worried. It didn't matter what he said, I knew what I had to do. I would do whatever I had to in order to secure Shoto's future. He had to stay and graduate from UA. His asshole of a father wouldn't allow anything else. I wouldn't give Endeavor a reason to hurt Shoto. He was mine to protect, even if he could take care of himself just fine.

When we arrived at Nezu's office, I closed the door behind us. I wasn't ashamed of anything I had done with Shoto, but on the off chance someone walked by, I didn't want to ruin his reputation. I wanted him to still be able to go to class and not worry about what his fellow students thought about him. Not that he seemed too concerned with that. He was only close with one student here.

I sat down at one of the chairs in front of Nezu's desk and placed my feet on the edge of his desk, ankles crossed. I was the picture of nonchalance. It helped that I wasn't putting on a show. I was actually fully relaxed. I had Shoto's best interests at heart so it didn't matter what Nezu had to say. We were both consenting adults, and I hadn't broken any laws. It was just frowned upon for a teacher to be with a student and I could correct that quickly enough by simply resigning from my position. I crossed my arms behind my head and quirked a brow. Even though I knew what I was going to do, I would at least hear what the mouse had to say.

"In light of how we found the two of you, I will have no choice but to expel Todoroki. We don't want to lose you as a teacher but we can't have you two boasting a relationship while on campus. I'm assuming the relationship is consensual?"

Even the thought of such a horrible accusation had me jerking forward, hands clenched into fists on my knees, valiantly trying to stop my hands from sparking. Mini crackles could be heard as I took deep breaths to calm down. How fucking dare he even accuse me of such a thing? I would never hurt Shoto like that. I'd beat the shit out of anyone who tried something like that.

"Of course it's fucking consensual! Why the fuck would I force myself on a student?!"

I could barely get out the words. This had been a mistake. I didn't need to hear anything else from this asshole. As if I would ever force myself on someone. Some people may think I'm an asshole because I don't take shit from anyone, but I would never force someone. I had no need to. It wasn't conceited of me to know I was attractive. And if that wasn't enough to get people to flock to me, the fact that I was a hero, was. I quickly stood and backed away. If I stayed here I was going to blow this whole fucking place apart. When I got to the door I paused.

"You don't have to expel him. I quit. Let him continue his classes and graduate. There's only a few months left. He's too strong to not have the proper training he can get here."

Nezu tried to keep talking, but I tuned him out as I stalked from the room. I made enough as a hero that I didn't really need to keep working, so quitting at the school wouldn't hurt me financially. I'm sure once Endeavor found out about us, he'd probably disown Shoto, but I could afford to keep him in the lifestyle he was accustomed to. And if I needed it, then there was always hero work to be done for money. Nezu didn't seem like the type to blab about our affair. Something like that getting out would hurt the schools reputation. It would suck not seeing Shoto every day but there was always the weekend. Hopefully he'd still want to stay at my place on weekends.

Fuck! What if we couldn't make this work? What if he was only with me out of convenience? What if when I wasn't around all the time, he found someone else? Someone younger, who had more in common with him? The thought had me wanting to pull out my hair. If that was the case, it was better to know now than months down the road. I didn't know if my heart could take that. I already felt like Shoto was my world. I'd never loved anyone the way I loved him. But I didn't know his own feelings towards me. He was so young and this was his first relationship. He probably wasn't on the same page as I was. And he'd been emotionally sheltered for so long, he might not know what he was feeling.

I got into my jeep and rested my head on the steering wheel, trying to collect my thoughts. I knew Shoto was the one for me. He was absolutely everything. I'd do whatever I had to in order to prove that to him. To show him what he meant to me. It was time to tell him how I felt. And if he didn't feel the same way about me now, maybe he'd develop those feelings later. There was no way to know without talking to him. I couldn't sit and wait for him because I didn't want to give Nezu a reason to expel him. I'd give him a few days and contact him this weekend.

It wasn't until I got home that I remembered I didn't have a phone anymore and there wasn't a way to contact him. Fuck! I was an idiot. I wanted to rush back to campus and find Shoto to tell him. But if he was on his way here I didn't want to miss him. He was so fragile. What if he thought I'd abandoned him? I paced around my living room, debating back and forth on what to do. If I left to go back to campus, either he'd still be there and I'd be loitering outside the campus waiting or he could be on the way here. If he was still on campus and I was caught waiting, I wasn't sure what Nezu would do. I didn't want Shoto to be expelled, so the best course of action was to stay away from the school.

But waiting around waiting was killing me. What could they possibly be talking about? Where they convincing him to break things off with me? Fuck! I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh. All this worry wasn't doing me any good. I just had to wait. He had to come here. Even if it was just to break things off. I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a glass and poured myself a whiskey. I downed it and poured another glass. I took that glass into the living room and sat on the couch with a sigh. I missed Shoto. It had been so long. We'd just been reunited and now he was gone again. I closed my eyes on a sigh. I missed him like crazy.

I jumped up from the couch when my door crashed open with boom. Flames filled the doorway, and then, there he was. The object of my thoughts and the missing piece of my soul. He was so beautiful. He also looked like he wanted to kill me. I took a step forward to take him into my arms, then all of a sudden I was flat on my back with him straddling me. Thankfully, he'd put out his flames. Otherwise, I'd be burning right now. I went to open my mouth and his hand covered it.

"No! I'm going to speak and you're going to listen!"

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