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Bakugou POV

The tears in his eyes were nearly my undoing. I'd only known this kid a day, but I could tell he was strong and to see him brought so low, stirred something in me. He honestly reminded me of myself and it made me want to help him. So few people ever tried to get past a tough exterior. I sighed and pulled him along till we reached my jeep.

UA paid nicely and I made good money as a hero, so I could have gotten a fancy car. But jeeps were reliable and plus you could put a bunch of shit in them. We got in the car and set on our way. I let him have a few minutes before I started questioning him.

"Well, what happened?"

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye before looking down at his lap.

"I lost control."

"Well no shit!"

I must have startled him, because he turned to face me. I could see the frown on his face, and he looked to be deep in thought. He was also biting his lip in concentration. I wanted to bite it for him. FUCK! Not now Katsuki!

"Anyone could see that you lost control. I want to know why."

He turned away again, staring out the passenger window.

"He touched Momo. And she was upset. And he kept saying all these things. It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have lost control. I should have just walked away."

The only thing I heard was about Momo. My brain was stuck on that part.

"Momo your girlfriend?"

"Hmm? What? No. She's just my friend. I don't have a girlfriend."

I wanted to grin at that, but held myself back. It was completely inappropriate as well as irrelevant. I pulled into Kirishimas driveway and turned off the car. I grabbed his arm before he could open his door.

"I'll let this go for now. But you are going to tell me the complete story at another time. And once a week we are going to meet after class and work on your control. We can't have you losing it like that again, understood?"

He nodded at me so I let him go. Even if I wanted nothing more than to keep touching him. I sighed and got out of the car. What was it about this kid? I knew he was too young for me, but I couldn't seem to stop myself from wanting to be closer to him. I walked up to the door and rang the bell.

A scuffle could be heard from inside before the door was opened by a heavily pregnant Uraraka. She beamed at me before enveloping me in a warm hug. I could feel the baby kick against my stomach where it pressed against hers. I gave a chuckle at the feeling.

"Hello Ura. You're looking well today. And little Haru seems rather active today."

She smiled widely and caressed her stomach lovingly.

"Yes, we are both doing well. And ready for him to make his entrance into the world."

I started to walk into the house, then noticed that Todoroki was still waiting by the car.

"Aren't you coming?"

He glanced at me before quickly looking away, but he did walk up to the door.

"Oh, and whose this? I didn't know you were bringing a guest."

Ura raised her brow in question. Her eyes were sharp and taking in every detail.

"It's not like that! He's my student!"


She slapped my arm lightly and scowled.

"It's not like that, I swear. This is Todoroki. He just needed to cool off, so I brought him along. I figured a good meal made by the sweet Ura would help him."

She smacked my arm again before laughing.

"Now I know you're teasing. Between the two of us, we all know you're the better cook."

I laughed with her then made my way inside. Ura closed the door before turning to Todoroki. Being the gentle kind person that she is, she swept him into a hug. He froze against her, and a panicked look crossed his face. She must have felt his tension, because she pulled away with a frown.

"Was that not ok? I'm sorry. I'm hugger. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's ok. I just...I don't get touched. My father says comfort is for the weak."

"Oh sweetie."

With a revelation like that, Ura couldn't seem to help herself. She brought her arms around him again and squeezed tight. He just stood there frozen and let her. My heart broke for this poor kid. Who the hell was his father that they didn't believe in comfort? Touching and giving comfort was such an essential part of raising a child. Ura pulled away wiping her eyes..

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

He hesitatingly brought his arms up and pulled her against him. She went willingly and wrapped her arms around him, placing her head against his chest.

"Thank you. Hugs are...warm."

He pulled away from her and turned to look at me. I raised a brow at him and he shook his head. The tension was broken when little Asahi stumbled into the room. He bounced over to me and lifted his arms for me to pick him up.

"Una Baka!"

I squeezed him against me before lifting him in the air and spinning him around. He began giggling and stuck his arms out with a smile. I hugged him against my chest and kissed the top of his head. He grinned at me with little shark teeth. He was like a tiny Kirishima clone. I chuckled and put him down.

" And how are you Asahi?"

"Good. Dinner!"

Ura smiled softly and grabbed her firstborns hand.

"Well, you heard him. Dinner!"

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