Poem # 2- Selfish

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Everything, everyone, everybody,
Kept leaving like I'm just a nobody
Should I joke or sing a certain song?
Why, oh why? Did I do something wrong?

When will be the time when everyone predicts a feast?
For when I'm a grand and continually persist
Solace for you, for me, for everybody—
Why, oh why? Should I be sorry?

With lots of love and faintless cheer,
To my system— it's just mere
Voracious, hungry, starving for more—
Why, oh why? Am I alone?

Maybe I'm just selfish, bratty and egotistical—
A resemblance of a strong wicked,
With discontentment and a harsh list—
Why, oh why? Why am I like this?

With these poems, I deliver with a dark tone,
Clashing my inner— filled by monotone
Should I really complain? Should I sing a certain song?
Why? Just why?

Does me— myself, could be long gone?

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