Poem # 106- Craving

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Hop, skip, jump
As I lingered around the dale
Too much possession, I must say
For it's that time to crave.

Relinquish my modesty
And bite the succulent skin
I left marks for you—
For your dainty vision become keen.

I hissed like I never hissed before
I roared like a domestic cat
Make sure the wine glasses were settled
Followed by that juicy ham.

Till there goes the blinds
So vivid, I couldn't sigh
And expected that stick
To come up at me.

Timid as I looked
Yet I really pleaded this precise second
My craving must've been evident
Because let me tell you; I'm feral as a heron.


Yes, yes, yes! I intended to put erotic euphemism in this poem! Hopefully you... enjoyed it... I guess.

If you ever felt uncomfortable from some type of poems that I wrote that tends to be erotic and contains sexual innuendos, then you can freely skip all of it. I don't encourage you to read all of my poems that I input into the "Short Poems" series but as a writer, I want to put out different types of themes and messages into my poems just for all of the reader's type of satisfactory. For further questions, you can ask here 🙂.

I'm so excited and elated right now. Since "Telling My Own Thoughts; Short Poems" will be completed sooner or later, I decided to have a BOOK 3 of this short poems series! (Whatt!??) Yes! You heard it right! But on a sad note, it will be the last one! Yeah, I know, it's not a pretty thing to hear or read (since you're reading this), but I can assure you that there will be furthermore shamazing books ON THE WORKS at my profile! So stay tuned! ❤️

I hope you guys enjoyed the poems that I inputed here! Don't forget to vote and support this book! Remember that all of your support and leverages were greatly appreciated and cherished ❤️.

Love y'all ❤️!


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