Poem # 95- Hold Your Phones

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Flash! Flash! Flash!
Look! She's useless; a piece of trash!
Click! Click! Click!
She's a wreck! Not even worth it!

Tap! Tap! Tap!
Hey! Let's make her life crap!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Oh! There goes the cyber sting!

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
A word like an abrupt frisk
"You're useless!"
Oh! That's just a Beethoven music to my ears!

It's such a joy! She really is a crap!
Hee! Hee! Hee!
Should I set up a trap?

"Yes you shall! Yes you may!"
Of course, her pain makes me sane
Her wail, her groan, her begging
Oh what a shame! It makes her look such a pity!

Hold your phones, my dearest predator
Hold it till your veins crawled on the screen
With a wide, fanged evil grin and a lot of visible arteries
Tap! Tap! Tap! to which it's evidently keen.

Cyber bullying... 🙁

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