Poem # 78- One

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Too much is such a blessing
Too little is a benefit
Too exact is what you needed
But one...? It is such unstable!

Too much is a raining gold
Too little is a freckling yellow
Too exact is an ample lit
But one...? It is only a filth!

Too much is a room covered with pillows
Too little is raining feathers
Too exact is a comfy bed
But one...? It's only a single piece of bread!

That one... it's useless am I right?
For it's the lowest quantity of all besides zero
But who knew that "one"—
Would alter everything...

That one will surely change me
That one would bring me the blessing, the raining gold, the room covered with pillows
That one would bestow me a feast—
That one, the lowest quantity, will make me complete.

That one wouldn't make me fiddle—
And that one— would bring me the combination of too much, exact and little.

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