Chapter One Respect

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I stared into space as Mrs Gremlim A. K. A Principle Gremlin, lectured me once again for the same old thing: being dead. You see after I witnessed both my parents brutally murdered by five rogues I sort of went mute. Now that both my parents are dead I live with my Grandpa and Grandma which isn't so bad 'cause they love me as much as I love them to pieces. So anyway I only communicate with the people close to me that I love and trust, which is only my grandparents. But sometimes there are really annoying people I have to go off at, even if I do write it down on a white board. I started to tune back into the conversation.

'Rosé I know what you're going through is hard, but you have to stop doing this. Not talking and tuning people out of your life isn't going to make the problem go away.' I rolled my eyes, she has no idea how hard it is and last time I checked her parents died of natural cause's; old age to be exact and doing what I'm doing now is working pretty well for me. I mean yeah, I get beat up but I would still even if I wasn't mute.

'So after long conversations with all your teachers again, I was hoping to hear of some improvement after after our last encounter but was sadly disappointed.' Once again I roll my eyes at her; I swear if I was still talking I would tell her this. "I don't care whether you're disappointed in me or not gremlin; I don't care what you think I just don't care!" But I don't talk so I stayed silent.

'I also invited a friend to help us with our problem.' Firstly, there's no us! Secondly, it's not "our" problem it's yours! Ant then I think about what she said. And queue Kelli. There was a soft, gentle knock at the door. Gremlin looked up at the door and smiled.

'That would be her.' She whispered to me. 'Come in.' She called at the door, which opened to reveal Kelli smiling as always.

'So Rosé, Kelli is going to take you to her office so you two can talk privately.' We walked out out of Gremlin's office in silence. As we were walking to Kelli's office she tried to start some useless small talk. Note the key word "tried". Once we arrived, we sat down and it was just like the last time and the time before that. She asked me questions while I just stared into space tuning her out. Soon the bell signalling the end of the day rang and I left quickly towards my locker, once there I grabbed my helmet and bag , flung it over shoulder and slammed my locker door shut. I weaved through the large crowds leaving the school grounds towards into the parking lot to my motor bike. As I putting on my helmet the wolves appear and "talk" to me.

'Well, hi freak.' Will the next in line for the Alpha title of this territory's pack says casually. All I do is ignore him and finish doing up the strap of my helmet and getting on my bike.

'Hey! He's talking to you freak, show some respect and answer him! Oh wait, you can't!' Chelsea, Will's girlfriend, says causing the rest of the group to burst out laughing.

'But seriously show your respect!' She hisses at me but by now I was on my bike and revving the engine. I nod my head to show them I would and they all freeze watching me carefully. I smirk into my helmet and flip them all the bird before speeding out of the parking lot towards home.

<><><><><>Author's Note<><><><><>

Hey guys and gals! This is my first book ever so I really appreciate comments on how I'm going I will also tell you if I get writers block so you can give some ideas. I hope you enjoy this book and if so make sure to vote and share.
Kay thanks guys and gals, stay awesome and love one another.

- M

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