Chapter 28

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Hey, its Lia. Most of you thought this was the final chapter but after decisions we'edecidedto continue we're sorry for any confusion.

Thank you for all the positive comments!

Its means the world to the both of us. So Thank you so much, we love you all!

-Lia xxxx


"Pick a film," said Eddie, picking up Titanic, High School Musical and Mamma Mia.

"High School Musical, can't beat it!" I said giggling as I climbed into his bed, he put the DVD into the TV and climbed in next to me, I cuddled him.

As the songs came on we sang softly and he giggled into my hair, this is the cutest thing ever.

When the film finished we lay talking, I would like to say looking up at the stars but thankfully the ceiling was still there. It was still incredibly cute though.

"Best childhood memory?" asked Eddie, obviously we were starting a random question game,

"Erm, when I went quad biking for the first time with Shawn, I was about 8 so he made sure nothing happened to me, it was an amazing time, I'll never forget it," I replied, thinking about the amazing time we had, we went with his two best friends Elliot and Kieran, I'll never forget them, they both moved not long after Shawn died, I still have their numbers and they text me occasionally, they were like my big brothers but they never meant as much to me as Shawn did, and they never will, no one will ever replace Shawn. He was my hero. And always will be, no matter what happens.

"Yours?" I asked, getting off topic of Shawn otherwise I will start crying again,

"Er, when I was little Vera didn't like snakes and spiders so I filed her bed with fake ones and left one real spider and she climbed in bed thinking they were all fake, she was clever and knew they were, and the spider crawled up her foot and she screamed so much she lost her voice for a week, she thought it was Robbie, it was absolutely hilarious," he said, smiling as he told me the story, he loves his family, you can truly tell he does,

"Best friend all through?" he asked,

"I had no true friends until I met Kaylee, so I'll have to say that crazy ass chick, you?" I replied, laughing at her outburst at Libbie in my head; that will honestly never get old. Whenever I am upset or in like 83 years when I'm a lonely morbid old lady I will sit and laugh at the day my best friend owned Liberty Lester.

"That weirdo, I think his name is Zayn, haha, yeah its Zayn," he replied, he was probably thinking about all the memories they have had together, that will be a lot considering they have been best friends since they were about three.

We spoke some more about random memories and everything, then he went to sleep, I stayed awake for a little bit, just thinking about how I am actually happy my mother forced me to go this school. Yeah sure I had 'friends' at my old school, but they only actually hung around with me because I was 'popular' they didn't genuinely know me. They didn't know anything about me, only about five of them knew I had a brother, and they weren't my friends, they were complete strangers who I've known since nursery and saw him come and pick me up. I went there hiding my true self, I didn't tell anyone anything yet Kaylee was something yet intrigued to discover me and I'm glad she did, because now I know that no matter what; if she moves schools, if we ages without speaking, not see each other for ages but we will still be best friends. Forever.

Then to add to the list of moving here is better, is Eddie. Did I have a lad who genuinely cared about me even though they knew I was a player? No. They all thought I was 'hot' with a nice ass. They didn't look at personality, they didn't look at looks neither to be honest, they looked at boobs and bums, that was the nickname for lads at my old school, the BB boys. They were actually proud of it. Who would be proud of being so heartless? Eddie knew I was a player, but he knew there was more to me and he was right.

Don't judge a book by the cover.

That quote actually proves my life.

That is me.

I should've written that quote.

But I didn't.

I don't even know how that quote is around.

But it is.

And it is me,

Victoria Williams.

As I was falling asleep, I noticed Eddie's iPhone light up.

Looking over at it, I saw who the text was from,

'Libbie Lester.'

Wondering what she was texting him for I decided to look at the message.

I have never ever been so shocked, or upset.

My throat went dry when I read the words...

'I'm pregnant, it's yours.'

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