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juan focus

this yunho bitch made jeongguk want to fuck taehyung raw, record it and show him whose taehyung is. but he'd probably just get off on it so he can't do that.

but with this yunho guy showing up, gguk wants to ask taehyung to be his more then ever. but what if tae just thinks of him as a fuck buddy? a friends with benefits type of relationship nothing more?

he sighs and continues to play with taehyungs hair, it's been almost a day since they fucked and tae has been sleeping the whole ass day.

a notification from gguks phone pulls him out of his thoughts.

"a post? from taehyung??" he says confusedly.

he glances at taehyung, eyes drawn together and opens his phone. he clicks on the post and looks at the picture first.

it's one taehyung and him had taken the morning after their big sleepover. he smiled and cooed at the memory.


taehyung was still sound asleep when jeongguk woke up. he had turned onto his side and pulled taehyung closer, wiping the little drool off his lips and then pecking them.

he reached under the covers and started drawing little circles on taehyung exposed thighs, making tae shift in his sleep.

he continued that for a little bit until taehyung slowly opened his eyes and gave him a smile.

"g'morning gguk," he said through half lidded eyes.

"now this is a sight i could never get tired of," i said booping his nose, making him giggle.

"yeh whatever, m' still tired so cuddle me brat."

"don't call me a brat," i complied though, i could never turn taehyung down for cuddles.

we both fell back asleep, only for me to later get woken up by taehyung saying something about how 'the lighting was perfect and we needed to take a picture.'

end of flashback

gguk happily sighed as he scrolled down to see what taehyung had captioned it.

his eyes widened as he saw it was a paragraph and not some cheesy quote.

he skimmed over the words, and his eyes immediately landed on 'i love him' and he swears he almost cried.

an idea popped into his mind and he quickly and quietly got up. putting his shoes on and pecking taehyungs forehead before running out the door.

it's short i kNOW
but i promise the next one should be good?
tmr morning i'm leaving for spring break
i have a three hour flight so
i'm hoping to get some writing done
love y'all 😌

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