1. Reunions

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What do you do when the wind blows and a door closes. A feeling of satisfaction and loneliness come together, swallowing one up whole. The road to the future seems dark and dull, the light at the end of the tunnel seems nonexistent. One certain lady roamed her house, pacing up and down as if she would never stop. Staring out the window, she could see the beautiful garden full of flowers. Perfect. Just so typical of the infamous Mary Poppins.

"Well, that's all done." Patting down her hands she looked around "time for a break then"

Making her way to the sofa, she sat down. One would always wonder what went on through her mind, nobody would ever know. Such a mystery was this lady, you'd think she was just born practically perfect in every way. But those who are perfect weren't always perfect. Hardships and trials makes one stronger. Fighting every obstacle, becoming a better you that you can be.

"What a time to be alive..." she whispered to herself "how unpleasant..."

Shaking her head in disappointment she sighed "you'd think they'd learn from the first one"

The calls of war had been set out. It was the year 1939 and England was in chaos once again. Outside, the blue skies were immediately covered by dark grey clouds. Turning to the door, Mary Poppins grabbed her umbrella and headed out.

"It's time again..." closing the door behind her, she opened up her umbrella "but oh how different this will be..."

Walking down the path, signs of rain seemed to be incoming. Turning through alleyways and avoiding the muddy puddles whilst walking quite swiftly. Amongst the sounds of nature, her footsteps echoed through. Finally, she arrived at her destination. She sighed, what a busy place it was. A crowd of people had piled themselves onto the platform of what seemed to be a train station. Standing further back, Mary Poppins waited for the train to arrive. After a few minutes had passed, the sounds of a loud train made its way to the station. Suddenly the crowds of people became louder and a lot more busier.

Oh dear me, she thought as she found herself stepping further back. Just then, little cries of small and young voices could be heard. She sighed to herself, here we go. The small children made their way to adults and finally the platform began to lessen. Looking up to the sky, she tapped her foot, it was going to rain soon and she'd like to be home before then. Finally, the platform was empty and all that was left were three people standing with their luggage. Familiar figures of two boys and one girl. The Banks' children were in her care once again.

Annabel looked at her brothers "What now?"

"I don't know... they said somebody would be here to collect us" John said

"Indeed there is somebody."

Gasping, all three children stared in awe as they saw Mary Poppins walk towards them.

"Mary Poppins?!" Georgie exclaimed

"Yes, it's me. Now come along, it's going to rain soon."

The children quickly followed Mary Poppins who was already walking away without a word. Although terrified at first, the three were glad to know they were in the care of someone they knew. The trek to where they would be staying was long, narrow and far. Far from other buildings and seemed to be in a world of its own.

"Let's pick up the pace, not much further to go" Mary Poppins turned around as she waited for them to catch up

"We're younger than her but she's so much more energetic" John panted

"Right?" Georgie paused, taking a breath as he put his hands on his knees

"Better hurry up though or we'll lose her!" Annabel quickly ran ahead

After waiting for a few seconds, Mary Poppins continued to walk with the three trailing behind her. Just as it felt like they were walking forever, they finally arrived at a small garden peacefully hidden in the middle of nowhere. Without stopping, she headed straight for the door that magically opened as she arrived the front floor mat.

"Wipe your feet before entering"

Quickly wiping their feet vigorously, they entered what appeared to be a small cottage. The inside however, appeared to be much different than the outside. The living room seemed much larger, there was a big kitchen and stairs going upstairs despite the outside looking as if there wasn't even an upstairs.

"What..." John muttered "this is incredibly bigger than what I imagined"

"It feels like we're in her bag doesn't it?" Annabel whispered back

"Do you live here?" Georgie asked

"Why of course I do, that's a silly question to ask" Mary Poppins put her coat and hat on the hook and beckoned them to do the same.

"Wash your hands and I'll get the afternoon tea ready"

"Okay" they echoed

Washing their hands, they stopped to watch in shock as the cups and plates floated in mid air on their way to the table. As if on a certain rhythm, they landed carefully one by one.

"How long does it take for one to wash their hands?" Mary Poppins asked sarcastically "spit spot, we haven't got all day"

"She's the same" Annabel giggled

Her brothers nodded in agreement as they quickly made their way to the table. They were delighted to see the table full of scones, biscuits, cakes and tea. The food didn't stay there very long and eventually it had all disappeared into their stomachs. Georgie patted himself with satisfaction as Annabel helped Mary Poppins wash the dishes.

"Bring your luggage's upstairs, your bedroom is the first room to the left." She said as she put the last cup away

Quickly, the three ran upstairs and gasped as they saw their bedroom. In the middle, there was a majestic window with a beautiful view of the garden. Their beds lined up perfectly along the wall with bedside lamps on each. Across their beds, was a wardrobe and cupboard and small chests that stood at the bottom of each bed.

"Wow..." they mumbled

"Move along, you're creating a barricade"

Quickly running into their room, they chose their beds and bounced onto them in delight. They were completely exhausted from the journey that finally feeling a bed beneath them was extremely comforting. Seeing how exhausted they were, Mary Poppins let them take a little nap. In a flash, the three of them were out and laying peacefully on the beds.

Downstairs, Mary Poppins sat on the sofa reminiscing her last memories with them. Strange it was, for them to to be upstairs asleep in her own house. Due to the war, children had to be evacuated from the cities and were sent to the country. She didn't know she would be taking care of the Banks' once again but then again she did. Her mind wandering, she thought of her supposed final days with the Banks. Michael had decided to take on art again as a side job, Jane was living happily attending her rallies, Ellen was still working for them and finally Jack. Jack was the same the day she left. How odd it may seem, Jack was the only one who was able to bring some unknown light in her that she didn't know she needed.

Would I ever have that light again? She wondered. Sitting all alone, not knowing much what would happen in the future she soon, she was lost in a daze, filling her mind with memories of the past.

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