28. Peace

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There was something different about today. There was an odd kind of still that lingered but they knew it wasn't like this for everyone else. Listening to the radio, Jack drowned into his own thoughts, a frown on his face. The war was as bad as he could ever imagine it. Innocent people dying everyday and yet, here he was. This peace that lingered, something one would normally take for granted. Scanning the room, traces of those he loved could be seen. The umbrella in its rack, the toys on the floor, the sounds of chatter and laughter in the room above him. It was just simply beautiful and he didn't want it to end. Ever.

Coming down the stairs, Mary Poppins greeted him with her usual smile. Every morning he was astonished at the skills of this beautiful lady. No matter how many sleepless nights she had, she never showed it. She remained absolutely perfect in every single way. That was the Mary Poppins he loved most in the world and he would trade it for anything else.

In her arms, was the next love of his life. The most precious being he wouldn't fail to protect. His baby, Lilia. Her name rolled out his tongue like a beautiful song. Her chubby cheeks, the soft hair and the way she frowned and giggled was enough for his heart to melt.

"Hey, baby girl." He cooed, taking her out of Mary's arms "the sweetest thing."

This was it. She lost his attention all together. Mary Poppins could be the love of his life but put Lilia in the mix and she was instantly forgotten. As much as she wanted to reveal her jealousy, she remained composed. That was his daughter, their daughter. She would have been more worried if he didn't pay the child any attention at all.

Her thoughts disturbed by crashing from the upper floor, Mary Poppins sighed before heading up the stairs. What in all of chaos were the three up to this time?

"Annabel, John and Georgie. What are you doing so early in the morning?"

"Sorry, Mary Poppins." Annabel bit her lip "we didn't mean to be so loud."

"Yeah, we were just trying to get the toy out from the side of the bookshelf but ended making some of the books fall." John explained as he motioned towards the books that lay on a heap on the floor

"Apology accepted, but next time you need help with heavy duty, ask one of the adults first. Now tidy up, breakfast will be ready soon."

"Okay!" They echoed happily, relieved they weren't in that much trouble.

After cleaning up and preparing breakfast, they all sat around the table ready to eat. Stuffing their faces with bread and jam, they sighed with happiness. It was hard to get a hearty meal lately, especially with the awful rations, but they were grateful they had food nonetheless.

In the living room, Mary Poppins has placed Lilia on the ground and her little fits of giggles could be heard from where they sat. Mouths full, smiles on their faces, they soon joined in the laughter. They didn't know what it was, but there was something really contagious about hearing the laughter of a baby. It just made them happy too.

They wanted this peace to last forever. To keep it going, one where they didn't have to worry about the war. Whether it would reach them or not. It was moments like this that caused them to forget that.

Watching them, Mary smiled sadly to herself. She could see it in their eyes and the way they carried themselves. They loved it here but home without their father was just not home. They missed being together as one and they never knew if he was safe. To go back home was their one wish. But just as long as this peace continued to linger, even for a short moment, they knew that they could wait to go home.

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